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Fable and Perfect Dark appear on Twitter stoking July rumors

In 2018 Microsoft presented a new study to the world, The Initiative, with which they sought to create new experiences. In addition, it announced the purchase of four studios including Playground Games. Both would be working on two sagas highly anticipated by Xbox fans, Perfect Dark and Fable.

That the creators of Forza Horizon are with an RPG is no secret, although since it has been known it has never been the year they announce it. Also, a former worker from The Initiative He revealed some details of what he had been working on, which gave an idea of ​​the game in question. Now, a new detail has set off alarms.

Fable and Perfect Dark would be two of the multiple games in July

The July event is about to arrive, and it is that although we do not have the date yet to present it, expectations are skyrocketing. On Xbox they are very confident with the catalog they have to advertise, among which there would be two to which he has referred Tom Warren. They are two Twitter accounts whose username are @Fable and @PerfectDarkGame.

The main reason why this may be indicative of this upcoming event is that both accounts have been created with Microsoft corres. This, and that an Xbox worker follows one of them, would be what has led Tom Warren to share it.

In addition to these games, we will have information from Halo and other Microsoft studies. New IPs, the resurgence of some that seemed forgotten and a lot of information seems to be what awaits us in July. We will have to see when the event is and if, finally, the time has come for us to face these titles.

All unofficial information should be taken with caution, and that is that after all there may be errors, be false or that Microsoft changes its plans. Fable has been rumored for years and from Xbox they have mentioned on multiple occasions that they want to allow the use of old sagas, so Perfect Dark would not be crazy either. Luckily, we are weeks away from knowing it.

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