Home » today » Sport » Fabio Paratici could solve Tottenham’s key problem for Antonio Conte following Ivan Perisic’s admission

Fabio Paratici could solve Tottenham’s key problem for Antonio Conte following Ivan Perisic’s admission

Tottenham fans are used to waiting until the final days of transfer windows to do business. Even in January, Spurs did most of their business on deadline day, securing their two tickets from Juventus.

Both Dejan Kulusevski and Rodrigo Bentancur made an immediate impact at Tottenham and helped the Lilywhites in the second half of the season. This, along with the influence of Antonio Conte, helped Spurs finish in the top four, meaning a return to the Champions League next season.

Fans will be hoping any newcomer can make the same impact, when the 2022/23 campaign kicks off. A player who is close to signing for the capital is Ivan Perisic.

READ MORE: Ivan Perisic to Tottenham: What Conte, Mourinho and Inzaghi have said about the ‘complete’ player

football.londonIt was reported on Sunday that the midfielder will complete a medical and finalize a contract, believed to be for two years and £98,000 a week, at Hotspur Way this week.

The current Inter Milan played 35 games in Serie A last season, scoring eight goals and registering seven assists. If the Croatian made the move to Tottenham, he would be a different signing than the many that have been seen in recent windows.

Perisic is 33 years old and therefore older than some of the N17 newcomers, but with his contract with Inter Milan expiring this summer, he wouldn’t cost the club a dime. The Croatian could become another full-back option for Conte and the 52-year-old and Fabio Paratici believe he could help with the development of Ryan Sessegnon.

The 33-year-old would also bring a wealth of experience to Tottenham, not in the Premier League but in the world of football and he also has experience of being a winner. In February, experience was a key factor, Conte noted, in targeting potential entries.

“It’s inevitable that if you want to grow faster and be competitive faster, you need players with a lot of experience, because they also raise the experience level of the team in general,” he explained. As well as experience, many argue that Tottenham needs more team leaders.

This is something that Teddy Sheringham has pointed out, as he believes Spurs need more leaders in the next transfer window, “without a doubt”. Perisic’s experience helps with this leadership, and his comments earlier this month reiterate it.

“I always believed we could win even when we were down 2-1. I knew we could win.” He explained after Inter’s 4-2 victory against Juventus, in the Coppa Italia final, where Perisic scored both goals in extra time.

“We tried to put our heads up again and lost the thread for ten or fifteen minutes, but I think in the end the victory is deserved. When the team is strong it is easier to be a leader, when you win you are not”. tired.”

The 33-year-old clearly sees himself as a leader and, coupled with his winning mentality, these are qualities that could benefit Conte’s team. “When you have this kind of determination, this enthusiasm, this desire, in the end, everything becomes easier for the coach,” the Italian said of Perisic, during their time together at Inter.

In 2019, the midfielder admitted that his plan is “to play seven or eight more years” and explained that he still “feels good”. Perisic also admitted that he has always dreamed of playing in the Premier Leaguewhich seems likely to come true this summer.

The 33-year-old’s move to Tottenham appears to benefit Spurs and Conte in a number of ways. At no cost to them, having someone with quality, leadership, having previously worked with Conte and experience of winning and Perisic could be just what the Lilywhites need, on their way to building a stronger team for next season.

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