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Fabio Monti future director of the Leisure Center

This is the end of a long process since it has been almost a year and a half since the current director of the Crystal Hotel, André Willemin, announced his departure. Fabio Monti, 39, will succeed him from 1er January 2021. Le Tramelot, currently marketing director for the watch sector of the Bulgari brand in Neuchâtel, was appointed by the Board of Directors of the Center de Loisirs des Franches-Montagnes last week.

“We found someone competent”

Before him, a director had been appointed in May 2019, then ousted a few months later for undisclosed reasons before even officially taking the helm of the Hotel Cristal. A page today turned according to André Willemin who affirms that this episode did not weigh on this new nomination. “It’s part of the game when you’re hired, there is always a risk. There have been a number of problems, we need not dwell on this. Today it is a relief as we have found someone apparently competent, and it is good to see that there will be some rejuvenation at the head of the business. “

From marketing in watchmaking

The dynamic profile of the not yet forty-year-old Fabio Monti step appealed. Former captain of FC Tavannes / Tramelan, he is involved in the sports world but also has a network in the industry through his current function within the LVMH group. On the other hand, unlike “the former future director”, he was not from the hotel world. “It could have been an advantage but when you have to deal with someone intelligent, we quickly get into the bath. I am a mechanical engineer and I built a hotel, so I am no more hotelier than that, “smiles André Willemin who will therefore retire on 1er January, after 16 years at the head of the establishment. Perhaps even before, since he says he is ready to entrust the reins completely as soon as his successor is able to assume his new responsibilities. / jpi

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