Fabian Picardo, Chief Minister of Gibraltar, has assured The Times that Gibraltar remains committed to reaching an agreement with the European Union that respects the fundamental positions of all parties on sovereignty: “We are committed to reaching a great agreement, but in a way that does not require either Spain or Gibraltar to make concessions on the fundamentals,” he assured.
“We are very clear about the many opportunities that this agreement can create for Gibraltar and the area around us,” he said, adding: “We are sharpening our pencils to achieve an agreement that offers a rainbow of opportunities that will bring prosperity to the benefit of the entire region.
In discreet contrast to the statements of the Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, Picardo understands that “the use of the airport for European flights in that equation would be good, but it is not essential.”

For his part, Juan Carlos Ruiz Boix, provincial general secretary of the PSOE in Cádiz, yesterday highlighted the role of José Manuel Albares, Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, in the negotiation of the future Treaty on Gibraltar that the United Kingdom and the European Union They will resume this week.
During a Christmas breakfast with journalists held in Cádiz, Ruiz Boix stated that Albares “is working hard to reach the agreement on Brexit, that he is defending the interests of the people of Cádiz so that issues such as the joint use of the airport are included.” .
Next, he added that the Spanish minister “works to dismantle the border in order to promote a Shared Prosperity Zone that generates economy and employment in the Campo de Gibraltar region.”
Use of the airport, but not “joint”
The statements of the Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, to the newspaper “El País”, this Sunday, have been widely echoed in the Gibraltarian media. In his words, it would be “absurd” to exclude Gibraltar airport from any treaty between the United Kingdom and the EU on community relations with the Rock and that “of course” it must be included in any agreement.
Brian Reyes, director of The Gibraltar Chronicle, recalled in an extensive article that “Spain has long sought “joint use” of the airport, something that the United Kingdom and Gibraltar reject because it could raise sovereignty implications.”
“Instead, they favor “enhanced use” and point out that the airport was not included in the New Year’s Eve framework agreement that forms the basis of the treaty talks,” the journalist recalls.
As Campodegibraltarsigloxxi.com reported yesterday, La Crónica also refers to “how this “enhanced use” could work in practice, while respecting the red lines on sovereignty, which is one of the key issues pending in the negotiation, which will continue in London later this week when UK – with Gibraltar – and EU officials meet again in London for the 14th formal round of talks.
“What sense would it make to leave out an element as beneficial to the population as the airport?” was what Albares told El País, speaking in favor of flights “from Spanish airports and from other European countries, promoting tourism and relations.”
And the Spanish minister concluded: “The airport has to be in the agreement, of course.”
Brian Reyes specifies that “the interview with El País was widely disseminated, but although the headlines highlighted Spain’s insistence on “joint use”, Albares himself was careful not to use that phrase.”
“Everything related to Brexit is complex, but I am convinced that the formula can be found,” Albares said in the interview. «What is the alternative? That you can’t land at that airport? “It seems absurd to me.”
Asked by El País if he believes it is possible to reach an agreement, Albares said: “I am optimistic, but it does not depend on me. Spain is doing everything it can.
2023-12-12 02:06:35
#Fabian #Picardo #airport #European #flights #good #essential #Campo #Gibraltar #Siglo #XXI