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F-35 Expert: Poland Joins Elite Club

Today, the Husarz, the first of the F-35A aircraft ordered by Poland, will enter the stage – literally. “The F-35 is the highest category of combat capabilities,” argues analyst Piotr Langenfeld in an interview with wGospodarce.pl.

The first plane will be unveiled today F-35Aproduced by Lockheed Martin for Poland. Hussarbecause that’s what the Polish eFs will be called, will be the biggest technological leap in the history of the Polish Army. What will the Polish F-35 be used for, and would these machines play a significant role in the event of a potential conflict with Russia? We talk about this with analyst and security expert Piotr Langenfeld.

Arkady Saulski: How will the F35 strengthen the Polish Army?

Piotr Langenfeld: The F35 is the highest category of combat capabilities. It is the most modern aircraft, but also a weapons platform, comparable to nothing else.

Read about the F-35 program for Poland:

It’s certain: Today we will see the Polish F-35!

These planes will dominate the sky! Poland will also get them

It is already known: the Polish F-35 has been named

And yet! Polish F-35 without the white and red checkerboard

The first Polish F-35 is already in production! SEE PHOTOS

F35 is the highest quality of modern technology / author: Lockheed Martin

What advantages are we talking about exactly?

This is air superiority over potential enemy aircraft. The ability to track and attack several air targets with one machine. This makes it difficult for the enemy to detect it, and as a result, allows for an unnoticed approach to a ground target. The F35 will be integrated with other systems such as tank or Apache helicopter sensors. It will be able to transmit the operational situation image to command centers at various levels.

Will the presence of these aircraft bring our military into a new technological era?

Yes. The F35 is the highest quality of modern technology. We are joining the elite club of owners of this machine. More importantly, our F-35s will operate near the most dangerous area in Europe.

Our F-35s will operate near the most dangerous area in Europe / by Lockheed Martin

So, deterrent potential?

Definitely! Their mere appearance, together with e.g. long-range missiles, will force the enemy to reassess their plans for deploying their own bases. Experience from the Middle East shows how effectively the F-35 works. There is probably no official confirmation, but these are Israeli eFs that are causing havoc in Syrian anti-aircraft defense, supplied, of course, from Russia!

Speaking of confrontation with Russian equipment – would a potential war with Russia – as NATO military experts indicate – actually be of a missile and aircraft nature? What role would the Polish F35 play in such a conflict?

I can only imagine what such a clash would look like. Ukraine has shown how effective Western, mainly American, air and missile systems are. The war also shows how important air support is, even with old bombs used by the Russians. According to American and NATO doctrine, one must gain an advantage and then air supremacy.

How effectively the F-35 works, experience from the Middle East shows / author: Lockheed Martin

How to achieve this advantage?

You need to detect enemy aircraft faster, then air defense, attack airports from a longer distance and then attack ground forces and, above all, their logistics.

Interviewed by Arkady Saulski

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