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EZ: Quarterly results will be less about the contribution of sold assets (Result estimates)

The zveejnn: to have, 10th of August 2021 v 7:00 CET

results pubs:
The results for the second quarter of this year it will not include sold activities in Romania. Total trby they will be slightly ni, ist
profit losk as a result substantial pekon. Given that both changed Romanian and Bulgarian assets were sold, management THIS
sv celoron cle, prv o pspvek ukonench operate

Oekvme, e by THIS ml doshnout ve druhm kvartle total
have 47.7 billion CZK
, compared to the same period last year, this is a slight decrease of 3%. Absence of non-bite Romanian operations EZu from the end of Q1 21, will be known in production election, its distribution and sale. Implemented
cena elektiny is slightly higher than last year’s value for this year. Profit on the same EBITDA we estimate at 11.9 billion CZK, which would mean a decrease of 7.2% y / y. This decline is mainly missing pspvek
zmnnch prodanch rumunskch aktiv. Ta v Q1 21 generovala EBITDA and vi 1.2 mld. CZK. Managed is zisk According to our projections, it should increase by 88% and reach 4.7 billion CZK. Compared to Q2 20, it estimates significant depreciation.

Celoron projection: According to the company’s management, it should be this year THIS doshnout EBITDA
between 54 and 57 billion CZK plus pspvek divested assets in Romania and
The sale of Romanian operations took place at the end of the first quarter. The settlement of sales of Bulgarian companies took place at the end of July. Total projection on EBITDA profit by se could range from 59-60 billion CZK. is zisk estimates THIS and vi 17 to 20 mld CZK.
Dozen results for Q1 21 and our estimates for Q2 21 are about 54% EBITDA
a 70 % the same profit.

Author: Bohumil Trampota

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