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Extreme Heavy Snowfall Paralyzes Roads in Norway, Causes Power Outages in Agder

Between 30 and 50 centimeters of snow was expected in several places on Sunday and the night to Monday.

In some areas, up to between 50 and 100 centimeters were reported.

Sunday encouraged State Highways Authority road users to leave the car standing.

The weather affects the driving conditions on Monday morning.

The large amounts of snow cause, among other things, delays on the subway in Oslo on New Year’s Day.

– Due to large amounts of snow on the roads, some stations have not been opened. We have lock weights on the way, but delays must be expected, Sporveien writes on X/Twitter.

A snow-covered E18 in the direction of Oslo, at 06:45 on Monday morning.

Photo: Web camera / Norwegian Road Administration

Column drive over the mountain

– The peak comes on New Year’s Eve. Up to one meter of snow can fall, the National Road Administration writes on its pages.

This leads to large amounts of snow on the roads on Monday morning.

Vegtrafikksentralen west signs on X/Twitter that county road 50 Aurland-Hol opens for convoy driving at 09.00, between Øyestøl and Geiteryggen. The first column goes from Geiteryggen.

Traffic is currently free over Haukelifjell, but the Swedish Traffic Center writes that the outlook is uncertain. Column driving may be introduced at short notice.

Haukelifjell at Pepparstein, direction west, at 08:16 Monday.

Photo: Norwegian Road Administration

The police with a call

At the weekend, the Norwegian Public Roads Administration wrote in a press release that it is “the driver’s responsibility to assess whether it is safe to drive”.

– A lot of precipitation in the form of snow, sleet, rain and strong wind will mean that it can be difficult to maintain the standard on the road, says Tore Jan Hansen of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration.

Danger warnings for parts of southern and eastern Norway from Sunday to Tuesday.

Illustration: Meteorological Institute

Together with the police, they ask everyone to calculate extra time for transport and driving, and to assess whether the journey is “at all necessary”.

– Follow the weather forecasts where you will be driving and check the traffic reports, so you are prepared, urges Hansen.

You will find traffic announcements heron the Swedish Road Administration’s website.

Lots of snow in Agder – several without electricity

County roads 3498 and 3496 in Arendal are both closed, due to falling trees, the Swedish Road Traffic Agency writes on X/Twitter.

On Saturday, Tore Jan Hansen had a meeting with all road owners, the Meteorological Institute and the police to prepare for the weather.

– We are well prepared, but these are extreme amounts of rainfall which cause difficult driving conditions, he says.

In Agder, 4,735 households are also without electricity, due to the large amounts of snow and strong winds, the electricity map shows Glitter Net.

Large amounts of rainfall have been forecast in Agder in the first days of the year. Here from Arendal, night to Monday.

Photo: Kennet Klokseth Pedersen

According to the online company, it was not possible to correct the error on the night of 1 January due to poor accessibility and HSE considerations.

– Difficult driving conditions on the roads and a lot of snow out in the terrain resulted in demanding error correction for the crews who are out, said Glitre Nett’s communications manager, Nils Tore Augland. The friend of the fatherland Sunday evening.

In Rogaland, too, the weather affects the driving conditions. Fylkesvei 4668 Ullestad in Hjelmeland – Helmikstølen Sandnes is closed due to bad weather.

2024-01-01 07:21:07

#Large #amounts #snow #Southern #Eastern #Norway

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