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Extremadura will have charging points for electric vehicles in stations | Extremadura7days.com

Adif and Adif Alta Velocidad promote the installation of more than 1,000 electric vehicle charging points in the car parks of 80 passenger stations, thus contributing to the development of sustainable and connected mobility in urban and metropolitan environments.

With this initiative, clean transport is promoted in transfers to and from railway stations and increases services to travelers in these spaces, called to become sustainable and intelligent mobility nodes.

With this project, Adif and Adif AV are also committed to the development of electromobility in Spain, by configuring a wide territorial network for recharging electric vehicles in all the peninsular autonomous communities through which the railway network they manage runs.

Investment of 28.8 million euros

The contract for the supply, installation, operation and maintenance of the thousand recharging points has been tendered for an amount of 28.8 million euros and an execution period of 30 months; Of these, 24 months, correspond to the operation and maintenance phase.

Adif and Adif AV strategy against climate change

This action is part of the Plan to Fight Climate Change of Adif and Adif AV 2018-2030, which contemplates the promotion of sustainable mobility and electromobility as a tool to meet the objectives of decarbonization of economic activity.

Specifically, the initiative is part of the Ecomilla program, which promotes the energy efficient mobility with zero emissions in first and last mile journeysthrough the development of sustainable mobility areas for zero emission vehicles and shared vehicles, among other modes of clean transport.

Stations that will have charging points in car parks

Andalusia: Algeciras, Almería, Antequera Santa Ana, Cádiz, Córdoba, Granada, Huelva, Jaén, Málaga María Zambrano, Genil Herrera Bridge, Ronda, Seville Plaza de Armas, Seville Santa Justa, Seville Virgen del Rocío. Aragon: Teruel, Zaragoza Delicias. Asturias: Gijón Sanz Crespo, Oviedo. cantabria: Santander. Castilla la Mancha: Albacete Los Llanos, Alcázar de San Juan, Ciudad Real, Cuenca, Cuenca Fernando Zóbel, Guadalajara Yebes, Puertollano, Tarancón, Toledo. Castile and Leon: Burgos, León, Medina del Campo, Medina del Campo AV, Palencia (two different parking areas), Ponferrada, Salamanca, Segovia Guiomar, Soria, Valladolid, Zamora. Catalonia: Barcelona Clot Aragó, Barcelona Estacio de França, Barcelona Sants, Camp de Tarragona, Figueres, Figueres Vilafant, Girona, Lleida Pyrenees, Sils. Madrid’s community: Madrid Chamartín Clara Campoamor, Madrid Puerta de Atocha Almudena Grandes, Villalba de Guadarrama. Valencian Community: Alicante Terminal, Castellón, Requena Utiel, Valencia Cabanyal, Valencia Joaquín Sorolla, Valencia North Station, Villena, Xátiva. Estremadura: Merida. Galicia: A Coruña, Ferrol, Lugo, Monforte de Lemos, Ourense, Ourense San Francisco, Pontevedra, Porriño, Redondela, Santiago, Vigo Guixar, Vilagarcía de Arousa. The Rioja: Logrono. Navarra: Pamplona, ​​Tudela de Navarra. Basque Country: Bilbao Abando Indalecio Prieto, Irún. Region of Murcia: Cartagena, Murcia.

European Funds

This action has European funding through the “Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan”, financed by the European Union-NextGenerationEU.

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