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Extremadura registers one deceased, one hundred infections and three new outbreaks | Radio Extremadura

Extremadura has notified this Tuesday a new death from COVID-19, which brings the number of deaths to 528, 100 positive cases and three outbreaks.

The deceased person is an 85-year-old woman who was admitted since August 13 at the Siberia Serena hospital.

The outbreaks declared to the Ministry of Health are in Badajoz (5 positives, 9 contacts); Head of the Ox (4 positives, 28 contacts) and Almendralejo (4 positives, 25 contacts).

The General Directorate of Public Health of Extremadura has detected 388 suspected cases and ruled out 206.

There are 49 people admitted to Extremadura hospitals, 9 of them in the ICU, and 43 new discharges have been made, bringing the number of cured patients to 5,081.

He Badajoz Health Area it has detected 104 suspected cases and ruled out 36. It has reported 16 positive cases: 12 in Badajoz, 1 in Barcarrota, 1 in Puebla de Obando and 2 in San Vicente de Alcántara. Nine cases are under investigation and 7 are associated with an outbreak. In this area there are 8 patients admitted, 2 of them in the ICU. It accumulates 34 deaths and 795 cured patients.

He Cáceres Health Area It has reported 85 suspected cases and ruled out 59. It has declared 10 positive cases: 9 in Cáceres, 4 of them associated with an outbreak and 1 in Santiago del Campo. It has 13 admitted patients, 2 in the ICU, and accumulates 271 deceased and 2,023 cured patients.

He Mérida Health Area it has reported 60 suspected cases and has ruled out 62. It has 17 confirmed positives: 3 in Almendralejo, 5 in Mérida, 1 in Calamonte, 5 in Villafranca de los Barros, 2 in Hornachos and 1 in Zarza de Alange. All the cases in the area have known traceability or belong to an outbreak. There are 5 hospitalized patients on the ward and there are 32 deaths and 452 discharges.

He Plasencia Health Area It has detected 34 suspected cases and has ruled out 12. It has reported 8 positive cases, all from Plasencia and with previous contacts. It has 5 patients admitted, 4 of them in the ICU, and has already accumulated 77 deaths and 631 cured patients. The area has carried out 86 PCRs in the town of Rubiacos.

The one of Don Benito-Villanueva de la Serena it has detected 55 suspected cases and ruled out 18.

It has reported 11 positive cases: 1 in Cabeza del Buey, 1 in Santa Amalia, 1 in Esparragosa de Lares, 7 in Villanueva de la Serena and 1 in La Haba.

Ten have known traceability and 1 is under study. It has 15 hospitalized patients, 1 of them in the ICU, and adds 25 deaths and 493 discharges.

He Navalmoral de la Mata Health Area It has registered 9 suspected cases and has ruled out 7.

He has 2 admitted patients, and accumulates 60 deceased and 396 cured patients.

He Coria Health Area It has reported 7 suspected cases and has ruled out 6. It adds 22 deaths and has discharged 216.

The one in Llerena-Zafra has reported 34 suspected cases and has ruled out 6.

It has reported 38 positive cases: 16 in Valencia de las Torres, 8 in Llera, 4 in Monesterio, 3 in Campillo de Llerena, 2 in Los Santos de Maimona, 1 in Zafra, 1 in Fuente del Maestre, 1 in Higuera de Llerena , 1 in Llerena and 1 in Puebla del Maestre.

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