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“Extraordinary moment, Italy protagonist in the de-escalation of conflicts”

Russia’s brutal aggressions in Ukraine and the somewhat critical situation in Middle Eastcombined with the profound instability found in Sub-Saharan Africa and the escalating tensions in the Indo-Pacific, highlight a deteriorated security framework, with prospects for the future that cannot be positive”: thus begins the Minister of Defense, Guido Crosettoin the speech that opens the proceedings of G7 Defense in Naples at the Royal Palace. “For almost 50 years, the ‘Group of Seven’ has met to address geopolitical, social and economic challenges of global importance – added Crosetto – but to date the opportunity to meet in this format and the need to discuss detailed on defense and security issues, have never been taken into consideration.” For this reason, the Minister of Defense explained, it is “a extraordinary momentas we are about to start, for the first time, the G7 Defense meeting”.

The greeting ceremony was held in the courtyard of honor of the Bourbon Palace, with Minister Crosetto who, after greeting the prefect of Naples, Michele di Bari, welcomed the delegations. Also present at the meeting were the Secretary General of NATO, Mark Rutteand the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Joseph Borrell. The one hosted by Italy is the first meeting of the G7 on Defense in the history of the group. The delegations are guided John HealeySecretary of State for Defense of the United Kingdom; Bill BlairMinister of Defense of Canada; Boris PistoriusFederal Minister of Defense of Germany; Gen NakataniMinister of Defense of Japan; Sebastien LecornuMinister of the Armed Forces of France; Lloyd AustinUS Secretary of Defense. Minister Crosetto will have a bilateral meeting with Lloyd Austin in the afternoon.

Crosetto waited for the heads of the delegation at the foot of the grand staircase of the Bourbon palace; to the photographers present, the minister showed and lucky croissant which was given to him yesterday by the artisan of San Gregorio Armeno Genny Di Virgilio during the gala dinner held at the Palazzo della Marina. “We find ourselves faced with extremely fluid scenarios characterized by instability – added the owner of via XX Settembre -, with an escalation that goes from strategic competitiveness to an open and continuous confrontation. The use of military power and hybrid tools to obtain territorial advances and malevolent expansions in the areas of influence are sadly the recurring modus operandi.”

The joint statement: “Unwavering support for Ukraine”

“We reiterate ours unwavering support for Ukrainewhich has been defending itself from Russia’s brutal and illegal full-scale war of aggression for almost three years. We condemn Russiawhich has adopted a position of confrontation and destabilization on a global scale, also resorting to hybrid warfare and the irresponsible use of nuclear rhetoric”, reads the final joint declaration of the G7 in Naples. In another passage the concern for “the latest events in Lebanon and the risk of further escalation is reiterated. We express concern about all threats to Unifil’s security. The safety of peacekeeper it is a duty of all parties in the conflict. We also reiterate the importance of the support of Unifil and the Lebanese Armed Forces in their role to ensure the stability and security of Lebanon.”

“We are convinced – continues the statement – that the G7, together with other international partners, can play a clear role in the process of achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in line with international law, with respect for sovereignty, the independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine. This cannot be done without continuous work to achieve the widest possible support for Ukraine, promoting a renewed sense of trust, based on the inclusion of like-minded countries. same way.”

In the 10-page document, i major players on Earth have also addressed the issue of the defense industry, that it is increasingly “resilient and reliable”but also that of fake news by committing to contain and counter the manipulation of information and the spread of misinformation and disinformation”. He also expressed “concern” about predatory strategies in some areas of Africa, reaffirming “the commitment to strengthening the stability and security of African countries”. Finally, climate change is defined as a “decisive challenge with a profound impact on our security that can aggravate the demographic, economic and political challenges to world peace and stability, especially in the most vulnerable countries”.

Crosetto in press conference: “A just peace only with a strong international commitment”

Only a strong international commitment can lead to a just and lasting peace” the Defense Minister reiterated in the final press conference at the first G7 Defense. “One of the central points of the meeting was Ukraine. Today we also talked about information manipulation, we must strengthen our tools to combat it.”

In another passage of the press conference, the head of the Defense recalled that “the presence of the UN is the alternative to war”. “We talked about Unifilreiterating the need to continue with the presence – explained Crosetto -, the need for the contingents to be respected by all parties on the field. We did not talk about the rules of engagement, because it is not the competent forum. The UN is competent and I hope soon there will be a debate on the future of the mission so that 1701 is implemented” concluded Crosetto.

Immediate ceasefire, release of all hostages” Guido Crosetto then asked in the press conference of the first G7 Defense, still talking about the Middle East. Crosetto, regarding Lebanon, then underlined the “need for a de-escalation along the blue line”. The need to continue also emerged during the meeting support the Lebanese Armed Forces: in this regard the donor conference “will be held”, announced the Minister of Defense.

The owner of via XX Settembre also asked for a “significant increase in the flow of humanitarian aid for the civilian population”. “At the same time – he added – we reiterate the urgency of finding a political solution that leads to the creation of two states, guaranteeing security and stability for both Israel and the Palestinian people”.

The themes: Ukraine, Middle East, Africa and Indo-Pacific

At the center of the meeting’s work were themes related to the war Ukraine, to the situation in Middle East, with focus on Africa e Indo-Pacific. Outside the Royal Palace, meanwhile, it is small (due to the bad weather) the number of participants in the event against the G7. There are around fifty organizers so far, who assure that more participants are on the way. Against your wars – Free Palestine – No G7 – No bill 1660, reads the banner held up by the front row of demonstrators.

“I believe that our presence today, in the splendid city of Naples, sends a strong and solid message to those who seek to hinder our democratic systems” added the Defense Minister. “The bond that keeps us together is solid, based on common values ​​of freedom and on unconditional trust in international law. With this message of unity and firmness, I officially open the work of the G7 Defense, confident that our discussions will be able to produce tangible and measurable results” continued Crosetto.

On January 1, 2024, our country assumed, for the seventh time, the Presidency of the G7, the group that brings together Italy, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, United Kingdom, United States. The G7, in which theEuropean Unionit is underlined how it is united by common values ​​and principles and plays an irreplaceable role in the defense of freedom, democracy and in the management of global challenges.

The Italian presidency will last until 31 December 2024 and provides for a busy program of technical meetings and institutional events, which is spread across the entire national territory. Among the priorities of the Italian presidency is the defense of the international system based on the force of law.

“Pervasive global instability has direct consequences on our interests”

“Although it might seem that these conflicts are geographically distant, they are directly connected to us with deep and interconnected dynamics. In this context, we recognize one common matrixthat is, one clash between two different worldviewsand often perhaps incompatible” continues Crosetto in his introduction. “On the one hand – highlighted the head of the Ministry of Defense – the countries and organizations that believe in a world order based on international law. On the other hand, those who systematically seek to disrespect democracy to pursue their objectives even with the deliberate use of military force. However this is even more pertinent than a security aspect. This pervasive global instability has direct consequences on our economic interests and social. In other words, there is an impact on our lifestyle. Security is the basis of societies – concluded Crosetto -, there simply cannot be development of any kind without security”.

Austin: “thanks” to Italy for “crucial help” to Ukraine

Thanks to Italy “for the crucial help you gave to Ukraine” and also “for the sacrifices” that the support entailed. US Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III said this at the meeting at the end of the G7 Defense in Naples which saw a bilateral meeting with his colleague and host Guido Crosetto.

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