Home » Health » Extraordinary 280 Million Year Old Fossil Discovery Challenges Reptile Evolution Theories

Extraordinary 280 Million Year Old Fossil Discovery Challenges Reptile Evolution Theories

280 Million Year Old Fossil. PHOTO/ IFL SCIENCE

ARIZONA – An extraordinary discovery in the Italian Alps in 1931 has confused our understanding of reptile evolution for almost a century.

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This remarkably well-preserved fossil shows the “soft tissue” of an ancient reptile, but new research shows that the “soft tissue” is actually just black paint painted on the surface of the fossil.

This fossil, which is approximately 280 million years old, is classified as a Protorosaur reptile based on its morphology and dark-colored “soft tissue.” Considered an extraordinary example of skin preservation, this fossil received much publicity after its discovery.

As reported by IFL Science, Friday (16/2/2024), new technology allows researchers to take a closer look at this fossil. Ultraviolet (UV) photography showed that the fossil was coated with a coating material.

Researchers initially suspected that this was a conservation technique, but further examination revealed that the “soft tissue” was simply paint.

Even though the fossil’s “skin” is fake, the fossil itself is still genuine. The fossil belongs to Tridentinesaurs, an ancient reptile that lived about 280 million years ago.

This discovery shows that it is important to use modern technology to re-examine fossils and ensure their authenticity.

This discovery is a fascinating example of how scientific research can change our understanding of history.

2024-02-16 15:09:45
#Examining #Million #Year #Fossils #Archaeologists #Find #Oddities

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