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Extensive Research on Long Covid Causes and Solutions: Projects Financed by Long Covid Foundation

ROTTERDAM (ANP) – Researchers from various academic hospitals will conduct extensive research into the causes of long-term corona complaints in four research projects. The projects are financed by the Long Covid Foundation (SLC). The foundation announced the selected projects on Friday.

“We are incredibly pleased that we have managed to establish a unique collaboration between research teams from five UMCs and other research centers,” SLC said. The foundation says that this “lays a solid foundation” for more research into long Covid in the Netherlands.

Much is still unclear about long Covid, also known as post-Covid syndrome. According to previous estimates, more than a million Dutch people have suffered from corona infections for a long time. Most eventually recovered, but a minority of these people suffered such serious complaints from the infection that they controlled their lives. “They have often had serious complaints for three years and are unable to work,” says SLC. According to the foundation, this concerns hundreds of thousands of Dutch people. The Social Impact Team established by the government estimated in June that this involved around 90,000 people.


The projects that can start soon focus on all kinds of fundamental issues surrounding long-term Covid complaints. For example, under the leadership of the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam, abnormal blood clotting and disruption of small blood vessels are being examined. A project led by UMC Utrecht mainly focuses on neurological problems in post-covid patients. Disruptions of the immune system are also an important research topic.

The foundation hopes that the projects will bring solutions and treatment methods one step closer. “That’s what patients are eager for.” To continue the projects, more donations will be needed than the almost 1.5 million euros that SLC has already raised.


2023-10-24 15:41:45
#Investigations #longterm #Covid #complaints #started

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