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«Extension of state of emergency? If needed, no fear. We accelerate on third dose “

The state of emergency decreed due to the covid 19 epidemic could also accompany us during the 2022. And therefore, among the options, there is that of extend it beyond December 31, 2021. The reason? The infections are rising in Italy. The Minister of Health explained it on TV Roberto Speranza. «Extension of the state of emergency? As a government we will rely on scientific evidence, if it is necessary to extend the state of emergency we will do it without fear. I remember that today the curve is rising“. This was stated by the minister who spoke at “Half an hour more” on Rai3.

“For the third recall we have all the necessary doses. We have no problem with doses. We must insist and accelerate on this and we are doing it, in some days we have exceeded 100 thousand per day. Today we recommend it to all people over 60 who have completed their period for more than 6 months and all the frail of any age. These people can book it immediately, ”added Speranza.

“The evaluation procedure is underway by Ema and our hope that it can be expressed by the end of the year, in December: when it is expressed, also in Italy it will be possible to proceed with this vaccination”. This is Speranza’s answer to a question about the FDA’s decision to approve the Covid vaccine for children between 5 and 12 years old.

This week’s data show that the number of infections is increasing, both in Italy and in Europe, especially in the east of the continent. Here is the updated situation as of October 28: Italy with a homogeneous green is staining with yellow, a sign that the cases of coronavirus positive people are increasing.

News on the trend of a resurgence had emerged on Friday, the day in which the weekly data on the pandemic in Italy are released by the ISS.

The transmissibility index Rt went from 0.86 to 0.96 with a projection to next week, which sees a further increase to 1.14 (1.13-1.16). The incidence of Covid cases in Italy also rises to 46 from 34 out of 100 thousand inhabitants. The data of the latest ISS-Ministry of Health monitoring processed by the control room show a “rapidly increasing and generalized” incidence in which all regions are classified at moderate risk (4 to 18) except three (Basilicata, Sardinia and Valle d’Aosta). The trend of the epidemic, we read in the conclusions of the monitoring, “must be followed with extreme attention and, if confirmed, could herald an epidemic resurgence”. For the variants, the Delta is 99% of the sequenced cases, the Alpha (English) has disappeared, rare cases from Gamma and Beta. For the Delta plus the cases are 79 but it is still very low compared to the total.

Last updated: Sunday 31 October 2021, 4:18 pm


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