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Exposed: The Truth Behind the Suspicious Cameras at Riga International Bus Station

A video shot by a local resident showing scenes from the Riga International Bus Station (SAO) is spreading on social networks.

Above the video is written the story that “people found suspicious cameras at the bus station today”. They are placed under the benches.

In the original video, it is added that “Latvia is so scared of [Baltkrievijas] of the visa-free regime, that they control their citizens right up to the bus that will take them out of the country”.

Propagandists living in Russia have also picked up on this story, who fill their media and social network resources with publications slandering Latvia, the Baltics, and the West.

As a result, a story was created about the “strange” cameras noticed by the Riga SAO.

Alexey Stefanov, an activist-journalist living in Russia, says that “Rīdz residents say” – this is either a “step of perverts” or the finger of the special services, in which case it is also “just a step of perverts”:

Photo: Screenshot from Telegram.

In reality, however, it is simply a matter of a modern public transport infrastructure corresponding to the 21st century, as Jauns.lv found out.

The Riga SAO administration explained the actual function of the cameras: “The cameras you mentioned are part of the route management system and ensure the identification of buses entering and leaving the bus station within the route management system. In addition, we draw attention to the fact that any natural persons and vehicles are identified and registered at the moment when they cross the border of the EU and third countries, in the case of Latvia, it is the Latvian-Russian and Latvian-Belarus border, at the international airport of Riga and Latvian ports. This activity is carried out by the border guard.”

Propagandists’ claims about “controlling citizens” accordingly lack logic, given that any citizen leaving the country is subjected to border guard control within the framework of the law.

The described flight control system and cameras can also be seen in the explanatory video posted on the social networks of the system developer LMT:

The project is financed by the Media Support Fund from the funds of the Latvian state budget. “Rīgas Vilņi” Publishing House is responsible for the content of “Truth about Lies”.

2023-10-07 01:55:00
#Kremlin #propagandists #spy #cameras #Riga #bus #station

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