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exports to the United States, a record level to be confirmed

Never in history have Americans spent so much money to buy Bordeaux wines. And you have to go back to the mid-1980s to find such dizzying figures. In 2021, marketing…

Never in history have Americans spent so much money to buy Bordeaux wines. And you have to go back to the mid-1980s to find such dizzying figures. In 2021, the marketing of Girondin bottles in the United States reached “a record level” with 247,000 hectoliters exported and above all, a turnover of 349 million euros, also showing strong growth compared to the previous financial year. (+67%). A success which can be explained by two factors in particular: the abolition of the Trump tax in March 2021 (this additional tax of 25% on French still wines had been implemented in October 2019) or “the marketing of quality vintages with good availability”, specifies the Bordeaux Wine Interprofessional Council (CIVB).

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