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Exports from southern Hesse declined sharply

  • fromJonas Nonnenmann

    shut down

Darmstadt According to the Chamber of Commerce, companies in southern Hesse export significantly less because of the corona pandemic. Unclear travel regulations create uncertainty.

The South Hessian companies export significantly less because of the corona pandemic. This is shown by figures from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK) Darmstadt-Rhein-Main-Neckar. According to the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, an important indicator for the export industry is the number of documents issued for foreign business. According to Axel Scheer, Team Leader International, only 2779 of these were exhibited in April – a year-on-year drop of 18.6 percent.

In total, the IHK issued 13,021 export documents from January to the end of April, which is still slightly more than in the previous year. “The international business was excellent until March, when Corona slumped.”

South Hesse is traditionally strongly export-oriented. According to the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, the export quota in the manufacturing sector is 65 percent in its own district and thus significantly higher than that for Hessen (55 percent) and Germany (48 percent). The goods transport continues to function to some extent, Scheer writes. The situation with passenger traffic is more problematic. “Every day companies call us who want to send their service technicians abroad for installations or repairs.”

There is great uncertainty as to whether entry is allowed, “and whether you can come back to Germany without any problems”. Some of the conditions changed hourly.

Scheer recommends contacting the German Chambers of Commerce Abroad (AHK) on site, who are informed about the current status. “Just driving off can go wrong,” he warns.

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