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Export WhatsApp conversation to Telegram on Android smartphone

Since the beginning of January, many users have fled WhatsApp when they learned of a new policy for sharing personal data with Facebook. They have therefore decided to turn to other applications that are more respectful of privacy. For people who have chosen Telegram, find out how to export a WhatsApp conversation directly to this messaging service using their Android or iOS smartphone.


On Thursday, January 28, Telegram added a feature allowing its users to export their WhatsApp conversations. Find out how to do it on an Android smartphone.

How to export WhatsApp conversation to Telegram on Android smartphone?

Many users have found the Telegram application as an alternative to WhatsApp. However, migrating to a new application also means giving up all of your conversations. Having understood this problem, Telegram decided to offer a small tool in order to easily export a specific conversation from WhatsApp to its service. Here’s how to do it on an Android smartphone.

  • Open a WhatsApp chat that you want to export to Telegram;
  • Access the settings conversation by clicking on the 3 vertical dots at the top left;
  • To select Plus ;
  • Click on Exporter discussion ;
  • Choose Telegram ;
  • Redirected to the application, you will only have to choose the conversation in which you want to export your messages and media.

The video below allows you to picture the process.

video"><video loop="" src="https://droidsoft.fr/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/exporter-conversation-whatsapp-telegram-smartphone-android.mp4" playsinline="" />

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