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Expoagro reflected the power of the countryside and a country that wants to grow

Again, the power of the field was exhibited at Expoagro. The record number of visitors to the exhibition is more than just a statistical number: It is the reflection of the thousands of producers who continue to think about incorporating technology, seeing what is new in agricultural machinery, seed genetics, financial services or any other equipment that can be used to improve productivity.. There were many new features and the four days that the exhibition lasted seemed insufficient to get to know them all.

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The focus is on how to produce better with costs that are rising and with the smallest possible impact on the environment.. The examples were in the demonstration plots of the Argentine Association of Direct Sowing Producers (Aapresid) and in the machines that carried out the dynamics at the Tecnódromo, among others. It was seen in the stands that more and more people are focusing on automation, the use of satellite images, agriculture by environments, decision making based on data and other tools that technology offers. “It is the management of photosynthesis“, defined the Secretary of Agriculture, Fernando Vilella, who took advantage of every minute and centimeter of the exhibition to explain the concept he has defended for years: the bioeconomy. “It’s the live cow,” she insisted.

It is no coincidence that with this conceptual framework, visitors from other countries, both Mercosur and extra-regional, become interested in Argentine agroindustrial technology. The chancellor’s visit was included in that criterion. Diana Mondino who accompanied diplomatic representatives from 45 countries to the exhibition. The Foreign Ministry is working on a program together with INTA to export products and services from the country oriented to the bioeconomy.

Among the notable visits, the President of the Nation stood out, Javier Miley. Since the times of Mauricio Macri, a president has not visited the country’s main agro-industrial exhibition. “They are the best in the world,” the libertarian said about the producers in a talk he gave at the exhibition, accompanied by deputy José Luis Espert. “[El campo] It is not only the strongest productive sector in Argentina, but the most productive in the entire world and, with the tax burden they have, the fact that they can continue producing is the result of a miracle; It’s because they are the best in the world. Congratulations to everyone, I know those who are in this place and are the heart of Argentina,” expressed Milei.

Does the reference to fiscal pressure mean that the Government will immediately lower taxes on the countryside? No. The Secretary of Productive Development, Juan Pazo, a member of the team of the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo, expressed at the exhibition that the situation of the economy is still critical, a product of the inheritance received from the previous government. “Once the emergency is over, taxes are going to go down, you have to have a little patience,” he said..

Martín Biscaisaque (Argentrigo), Rodolfo Rossi (Acsoja), Juan Salas (Asagir) and Víctor Accastello (Maizar) at Expoagro 2024


It was the crop chain entities that put the focus on what is to come. “The 2024-2025 campaign, which begins soon with the sowing of wheat, presents us with a complex scenario. We face falling international grain prices, high costs of agrochemicals and fertilizers, with a limited credit supply,” said Acsoja, Asagir, Maizar and Argentrigo in Expoagro.

The latent risk is that there will be a decrease in the area planted with cereals, which is why they considered it necessary to take measures to lower the cost of inputs, especially fertilizers. They also expressed support for “policies that facilitate access to international markets through multilateral or bilateral negotiations.”

Other pending obstacle is the measure of the Central Bank that makes loans more expensive to those who have more than 5% of soybeans in stock. He warned it president of Argentine Rural Confederations (CRA), Carlos Castagnani. “It is an arbitrary measure that needs to be revoked immediately,” said the ruralista.

In the sample, an agricultural business consultant explained that there is still uncertainty about how the economic crisis will be resolved, but that the field trusts and bets that it will be solved. As always, he is the first to move forward and demonstrate that he is capable of recovering from the worst situations, such as those experienced in recent campaigns with the fierce drought. Expoagro reflected that power and can serve as an example of a different country that seeks its prosperity.

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