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Expo ‘OPEN about depression’ on Plein ’44

NIJMEGEN – The traveling exhibition ‘OPEN about depression’ by the Open Mind Foundation is still on display at Plein ’44 in Nijmegen until Monday 21 June (www.stichtingopenmind.nl). There are 16 billboards, which you can walk past and get background information with a QR code.

The Municipality of Nijmegen believes it is important that attention is paid to depression among children and young people. Approximately 1 million people suffer from depression and 1 in 5 young people will experience depression at some point. Attention, and talking openly about the problems is often a helping hand.

The corona restrictions caused by the pandemic contribute negatively to the vulnerable mental state of young people. Research by EenVandaag shows that 74% of young people aged 18-35 are suffering from the crisis. Young people in particular experience that it is taboo to talk about their depression. While openness, together with effective help, plays a key role in the search for how to deal with this.

Open Mind Foundation

The Open Mind Foundation brings social issues to the attention of the general public in an artistic and appealing way. Several cities, such as Amsterdam, Arnhem and Middelburg, have preceded Nijmegen. Thirty young adult experiential experts (18-35 years old) use their portraits and stories to make depression and mental frailty visible and open to discussion.

Campaign #Oogvoorelkaar

The exhibition Open about depression has been brought to Nijmegen as part of the campaign #oogvoorelkaar. In this campaign, the Municipality of Nijmegen focuses on raising awareness and making mental frailty more open to discussion. In this campaign, experiential experts tell their beautiful and personal story about what it is like to have mental complaints: https://www.nijmegen.nl/oogvoorelkaar

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