Home » today » Entertainment » Explosive sounding. Romanians want PSD in government. “Parliament no longer reflects the will of Romanians” – Evenimentul Zilei

Explosive sounding. Romanians want PSD in government. “Parliament no longer reflects the will of Romanians” – Evenimentul Zilei

According to polls commissioned by the Social Democratic Party, if parliamentary elections were held in Romania, PSD would win detached. According to a sounding Sociopol, PSD would enjoy 36% of the citizens’ votes.

Do Romanians still want to vote with PSD?

According to a poll published by the Sociopol Institute, in which the answers of 1,0001 respondents were analyzed, PSD would win, at the moment, the parliamentary elections.

To the question “If it were to take place next Sunday parliamentary elections, you with the representatives of which party would you vote, among the following? ”, 36% of the Tomans answered that they will vote with PSD.

A percentage of 22% would vote, according to the poll with the liberals, while USR-PLUS would have the votes of only 15% of Romanians.

AUR would enjoy only 11% of the votes while only 6% of Romanians would support the UDMR.

A second survey confirms. PSD is in first place

A second poll commissioned by the party – this is the Avangarde poll – shows that PSD occupies the first position in the citizens’ options. Following the poll, 36% of Romanians said they would vote with PSD.

The score obtained by PNL following the questionnaire is 23%, of AUR is 15%, and the 2020 USR-PLUS alliance would have obtained the votes of 14% of the citizens.

The UDMR would have 5% of the Romanians’ votes.

The governing coalition is not to the liking of Romanians

Also regarding the parliamentary elections that would take place, hypothetically speaking, next week, the citizens showed in a third poll that PSD would also win.

A report presented by IRES shows that 36% of Romanians would vote with PSD, 28% with PNL, 14% with AUR and 11% with USR-PLUS.

3% of Romanians would vote with PRO Romania. Another 3% expressed their admiration for UDMR and claimed that they would vote for him in the parliamentary elections, according to antena3.ro.

According to Sorin Grindeanu’s statements from Radu Tudor’s show, the governing alliance is not to the liking of Romanians. Less than half are happy with it, the politician said.

“The work done brought the party back to where it should be, at 35-36%, but more important is something else. Do you remember what President Iohannis told us when he really wanted early elections? That the Parliament no longer reflects the will of the Romanians. (…) If we look now, going back to that logic, we see that the current governing coalition is no longer even close to 50%. ”

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