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Explosive Combination: Mars in Scorpio Unveils New War Waged by Hamas against Israel

Mars in Scorpio. This explosive combination explains the new war waged by the terrorist group Hamas against Israel. This is the conclusion of the new forecast of the top astrologer Azarei, which he published on Facebook. War and peacemaking go hand in hand and by Dimitrov Day the situation in the world will be explosive. The key word will be justice.

Check out the extremely curious prediction of Azareus, Lumiere’s student. Big changes await us:


The year 2023 is ruled by warlike Mars. He is one of the main gods of the Thracian pantheon and is known to us under the name Ares. In later times the Romans would call him Mars.

His element is the fight for power and aggression. His attributes are a vulture and a dog. The vulture is a symbol of the sky-earth connection and is the scavenger of nature. It cleanses the earth of bad and rotten energy. The dog presents itself as the guide of souls.

It caters to rivalry, action, activity and heavy industry. He provokes the instigators, the agitators, the criminals and inflames the epidemics.

On 12/10/2023 Mars entered the zodiac sign Scorpio and will reside in this transformative environment until 24/11/2023. The planet is enthroned and in its power.

The sign Scorpio in world astrosociology is responsible for the military apparatus, intelligence, police, espionage affairs, collusion, the decline of national policies, the atomic industry, government and taxation.

If you notice a crisis leading to loss of independence or murders, you know which territory you are in!

The combination is slightly explosive, critical, and a lot of common sense is required over the next month and a half to deal with the physical manifestations of such an amalgam.

Let us now imagine the zodiac sign Scorpio as a swamp, and Mars as the power that reigns as a spirit and floats through it. Since Mars is on its throne in Scorpio, it also has a positive influence.

We will find it symbolized in the lotus or water lily. They have the transformative power to extract the positive, the useful from the rotting environment and turn it into a beautiful color with a wonderful aroma, making us hold our breath and marvel at the magic of Mother Nature.

Let’s discover this magic to transform our lives!

Let’s look at the shocking dramas of humanity, like the rotten bottom of the swamp.

Let us find the seed from which the lotus will sprout in our souls and prompt us to create a more beautiful and good world around us.

Let us also look at ourselves to discover our mistakes and weaknesses, which are our personal quagmire.

Let’s put in more love, affection, wisdom, compassion, understanding, altruism and sharing. These seeds will give life to a new, more beautiful world.

This is the result of the complex transformation that Mars in Scorpio calls us to.

Radical and extreme actions can be expected. We will observe struggles and brave deeds. Firmness of will to achieve goals will be manifested. People’s demand for the basic necessities of life will increase.

When the aspect is used inharmoniously we will observe aggressive extremism, vindictiveness, envy, crazy claims, violence and dangerous actions. There will be sharp criticism and attacks in the media and among politicians.

On 14.10.2023 at 20:56 the new moon occurred in the sign of Libra

More than ever, we will seek balance in life. In feelings, thoughts and actions, balance gives meaning and awareness. It teaches us justice and leads to an understanding of peace and prosperity. Libra as a zodiac sign carries the impulse to find beauty and harmony in detail.

Peacemaking is a lifesaver at the moment. Let our thoughts go in that direction. Let the world become more peaceful and calmer. These are some of the messages that the new moon in the sign of Libra will give us. Every day we strive to find like-minded people and partners in our endeavors. In the next lunar month, it is good to look at them. Love is the most beautiful and fragrant flower in our life. Now is the time to think about her value and how sincerely you serve her! The new lunar month brings messages that will bring balance to the way of thinking, the methods of cooperation, for joint ventures and projects.

We will be haunted by thoughts of justice. When we reach it we discover new and brighter days.

Be loving and kind! Consider how you can upgrade your relationships with marriage and business partners. Offer them something new.

The new moon will be favorable for the signs of Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. It will bring tension to the representatives of the zodiac signs Capricorn, Aries and Cancer.

I wish you love, health and success!

AZAREA, 2023

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2023-10-15 18:55:35

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