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Explosion on gas pipeline to Europe

A powerful explosion is reported on the Urengoy-Pomary-Uzhgorod gas pipeline, also known as the Trans-Siberian gas pipeline.

State-run Russian media reported on Tuesday. According to Interfax, emergency services received messages at 1:40 pm local time.

Three people were said to have been killed and one injured in the blast, Russian media reported.

The pipeline carries gas from Western Siberia to Europe via Ukraine. Gazprom operates the pipeline.

The explosion is said to have occurred in the Republic of Chuvashia in Russia. The sound of burning gas can be heard for miles away, writes RBC.

Videos of the flaming inferno are shared on social media, including state-controlled Russian media.

The circumstances are unclear, but work is said to have been carried out on the line shortly before the explosion. The Ria news agency writes that an underground leak caused the fire.

The case is up to date.

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