We’ve been waiting a few long years for a new, bigger Star Trek game. God knows how long we’ll be waiting for another one now. And so I decided to supplement the stream and review of Star Trek: Resurgence with a little special. In it, I would like to draw attention to various points of interest, details and hints that I think are worth paying attention to. Because, among other things, it is precisely in these areas that the otherwise weaker title excels. But be careful, unlike the review, I will not logically take any spoilers into account here, so if you are just getting ready for this adventure game, maybe you should read my text later. And now we’re on to it.
The story of the game is set in the year 2380, that is, after the end of the series The Next Generation and one year after the events of the film Star Trek: Nemesis. From the point of view of the game, Mr. Dat is already like that dead destroyed and the original crew of the Enterprise scattered to all corners. In the same year, for example, the game Star Trek: Elite Force II takes place.

The main characters serve on the Centaur-class USS Resolute NCC-92317. In addition to her, Excelsior, Constellation, Steamrunner and Miranda class ships will also appear in the game. Let’s not forget the USS Titan NCC-80102 under the command of Captain Riker, which is a Luna class ship. We will also see several type 6 shuttles. They are called Melville, Bronson, Ptarmigan or Polar. From the USS Excelsior, Ambassador Spock arrives aboard the shuttle Grayson. But when the crew talks about the Enterprise D during a meeting, for some reason the otherwise faithful game shows something that doesn’t look much like a model of the Galaxy class. Of course, there are also new vessels that do not belong to Starfleet, but to species that we have not yet known.
Jonathan Frakes reprized the role that made him famous as William T. Riker in the game. He gave the character a voice and a face. At this time, he is the captain of the USS Titan. According to the authors, if they hadn’t gotten Frakes himself, they wouldn’t have been able to have this character in the story otherwise. According to the developers, as a former longtime first officer, he understands well the position of one of the main heroines, Jara Rydek.

The game also features Ambassador Spock with the face of the late Leonard Nimoy. He was voiced by actor Piotr Michael, who faithfully imitated his speech without the result seeming like an unwanted parody. His voice has already been heard in Star Trek. He voiced a computer in three episodes of Discovery.

Chinese finger trap
On the planet Delphi Ardu IV, the landing party encounters a seemingly pointless Chinese finger trap. In fact, this is an allusion to the fifth episode of the first season of The New Generation – The Last Outpost. This is where the crew of the Enterprise and the audience first met the Ferengi, one of whom was played by Armin Shimerman, later famous for his role as Bartender Quark in DS9. Here we also learn for the first time about the existence of the Tkon empire. It was during the explanation about her that Mr. Dat caught his fingers in a Chinese trap.

In the same episode, we encounter a Tkon realm guardian who calls himself Portal 63. In the New Generation, Commander Riker passed his test and he also gives the player advice in the game on how to approach this encounter. In the game, Portal 63 looks a little different than in the series. From a 24th century perspective, Tkon is a long extinct but powerful empire that was an extremely advanced civilization. But what is more important, it is precisely her resurrection and the whole species in fact that is what Resurgence is about. The title thus immediately develops the background of the mentioned episode.

Tactical officer Araxi Bedrosian can lose her eyesight in Resurgence partly due to the player’s fault. He then sees thanks to a device called VISOR (Visual Instrument and Sensory Organ Replacement), which of course was used by the Enterprise’s chief engineer, Geordi La Forge. But the device also appeared in other episodic moments across Star Trek.

We come across many different races and species in the game. The developers came up with two new civilizations – the Hotari and the Alydians. In addition to them, however, Vulcans, Trills and Bolians will appear in Resurgence. Jara Rydek is half goblin, a dying race dependent on supplies of deuridium from the United Federation of Planets. Deuridium extends their life. This species first appeared in the ninth episode of the first season of Deep Space Nine – The Passenger.
The events of the game are preceded by a five-part comic miniseries from IDW Publishing. It deals with the disaster that befell the crew of the USS Resolute. It was written by Andrew Grant and Dan Martin and drawn by Josh Hood. The characters refer to this accident at the beginning of Resurgence when the new first officer comes on board.
You may recognize the spacesuits that appear in the game from other stories set in the 24th century. They appeared in The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine and Voyager. But they are mainly known from the movie Star Trek: First Contact, where they probably got the most space in crucial scenes. After all, some situations are reminiscent of Resurgence, not by chance.

Loyalty, leadership succession, and even rebellion are fairly popular motifs in Star Trek. Among other things, Resurgence takes advantage of the fact that the ship’s chief doctor can have the captain released from duty in extreme cases. This is directly related to the fact that, like in other episodes, the role of Captain Zachary Solan, who may be putting his own interests above the interests of Starfleet and the crew, will be questioned here.

2023-05-27 05:42:54
#Star #Trek #Resurgence #fans #point #view #Vortex