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“Exploring the Quinconces Flea Market: A Haven for Antique Collectors and Bargain Hunters”

Gloved hands, Perfecto Da Lama, an antique dealer near Saint-Émilion, polishes the cutlery of a silver service. At times, the man pauses to scan his stand. Beside him, comfortably seated in the sun in an executive chair, Matéo, his Boston terrier, is an attraction for early-morning visitors.

An unmissable event for Girondin antique dealers and second-hand goods dealers, the flea market welcomes nearly 260 exhibitors this year. The organizers expect to receive around 180,000 visitors. Perfecto Da Lama never misses an edition of the Quinconces flea market. Like his colleagues, he presents himself as a generalist. “It’s very difficult, if not impossible in our profession, to specialize in just one area. From now on, we do all the eras. It’s a real passion job”, he points out, before leaving to inform a client.

An expected event

Professionals from all over the Southwest came to Place des Quinconces. Toulouse booksellers Aurélien Duchêne and Heymans Gerben have decided to take the plunge this year. “It’s a big event with a large audience, we have set up a stand for the next three weeks and we have reviewed our stock especially for this occasion”, specifies Heymans Gerben, surrounded by stalls on which are as many great classics literature, only old military manuals dating from the Great War or works with more erotic tones.

For these first days of opening, the public is far from having shunned the aisles of this flea market. Seated in the sun, Christophe Le Chevalier and Jamal Bennaji take advantage of a moment of respite to break the seed. For more than twenty years, these two antique dealers have set up their stand on Place des Quinconces. The break is short-lived. A buyer, gray hair slicked back, blazer and moccasins with tassels, holds religious icons in his hands. ” How much ? he says to the two antique dealers. “It’s 130 euros,” replies Christophe Chevalier, before taking a sip of wine.

“It’s not given anyway,” grimaces the man. Finally, the transaction is made for 100 euros. “Here, everyone negotiates, that’s the game. But overall, we’re off to a good start, in addition to people from the region, foreigners come especially to Quinconces to buy. English, American, lately I even had a Japanese”, enumerates Christophe Chevalier.

Do good business

The earliest buyers are often the most confirmed. Barely half an hour after the opening, Jacques, 79, aficionado of flea markets or other antique markets, has already found his rare pearl: a glass basket. “I came to scout the day before and I came back to buy it early this morning,” he confides, with a laughing eye.

“I’m a big vinyl collector. I made myself a small business. From time to time, I try to find a rare piece, then I resell it”

Less organized, but also in search of bargains, Elsa and Esteban stroll through the aisles to unearth a vintage poster. Both students, the budget is necessarily tighter. The purchase should not exceed 20 euros. For their part, Lilliana Jennes and Enzo Brembilla came for a completely different motivation. Business manager in a Bordeaux company, Enzo Brembilla uses his free time to do business. “I’m a big vinyl collector. I made myself a small business. From time to time, I try to find a rare piece, then I resell it. I came too late, everything is gone. Yesterday, some friends did great business,” he says. This time, he comes back empty-handed.

2023-04-25 12:43:50
#Design #vintage #great #bargains #Quinconces #flea #market #unmissable #event #Bordeaux

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