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Exploring the Fascination and Controversy Surrounding Sex Robots: AI, Intimacy, and the Future of Relationships

People (mostly men) fantasized about sex robots even before Ovid wrote the story of the sculptor Pygmalion who brought his creation, Galatea, to life. More recently, this has been reflected in TV series and films such as Alex Garland’s Ex Machina and Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner.

According to recent survey 37 percent of people would prefer to have sex with a robot than a live person. Sexbot is a realistic looking robot with artificial intelligence. Well, realistically, of course you can tell that it’s not Maruska next door, but a lot of wires covered in silicone. But if we compare the prehistoric analog, that is, inflatable rubber virgins and sex robots, it’s like having sex with an inflatable boat versus driving a Maserati.

You can teach a sexy robot

I would like to give you a more authentic experience, but a sexbot costs from 10,000 dollars (200,000 crowns) upwards, and given that I am a woman and the act of love is for me a matter of feeling, which a robot is understandably not capable of, I have no ambitions for something similar test. I went through all possible discussions on the internet, watched videos on youtube and maybe some of you will be surprised (some maybe not), there are also enough porn videos where a man has sex with a robot.

If you enter “AI sex robot” into the search engine, you will see a number of companies that manufacture and sell these “dolls”. The first prototypes were created several years ago and are still being improved. You enter the parameters you want to edit. Breast size, nipple shape, natural look and so on. Then the courier brings you something that looks like a tin coffin, but inside is a sexy robot. As with everything, you will also receive a detailed user manual for it. Just like the GPT chat, you have to teach your bot. For an idea, it will communicate with you like the virtual voice assistant Alexa. The robot will say hello, ask you “if you want to be her friend or something more” and react to your answers. He can move his head, wink and smile. And it is not an exception that people are able to establish a deeper relationship with their robot than with real people, who are often critical, hurtful or rejecting.

Foto: Youtube/The creative licence

sex robot

Sexbots don’t lie, they’re both sexy and scary

One of the clients of the company that manufactures and sells robots already has four pieces at home. “When I received the Harmony AI I was amazed and to be able to physically interact with such a piece of art is amazing,” it is entrusted in the document and lovingly grabs her robot’s hand. “I’ve been married for fifteen years and I don’t miss contact with a real person, robots are programmed to be honest and not lie to you”, he adds.

While this may seem like a skewed perception, the fact remains that robots have no needs and do not decide whether they want you or not. They are easy to grasp and predictable and can give the impression that they are interested in you. And by mastering algorithmic learning, they can induce a true sense of intimacy.

And for people who have trouble dating, suffer from mental disorders or are disabled, they can be a solution. The big question is whether robots should serve as an option to satisfy the needs of those who are, for example, violent or pedophile. And experts disagree on whether this is a safe way to vent or whether it will further fuel the uncontrollable urge. In any case, the production of sexbots as children is prohibited.

And now to what will probably interest you the most. What does sex look like with artificial intelligence wrapped in silicone? Honestly, a bit ridiculous. Robots really have movements like a machine and not a human. That is, almost none. Although you can set them in the position you require, the rest of the physical activity is up to you. Maybe now we won’t say “she lay there like a board” but “she lay there like an AI”. The robot does have sensors on it, which when you touch it, it reacts (verbally or by sighing), but that’s all. The robots are physiologically beautiful and perfect, but at the same time they have the creepiness of an android that is a little out of place.

Will women be on the sidelines?

There are concerns that there will be a mass expansion of sex with a robot and if it will not push women to the sidelines. Accordingly, the question should not be whether sexbots will replace women in general, but whether they will replace them as sexual partners. I think it will be interesting for a small group of people, but most people will continue to prefer sex with real people.

As I mentioned, sex robots are good for shy introverted men who currently can’t get a partner in the western world. Their only option is at most sex workers.

Attractive, fit and caring women have nothing to fear from robots. Conversely, gold diggers, feminist man-haters, women who use sex as barter to get expensive gifts could start to have problems.

2023-07-16 15:41:38
#Sex #robot #living #person #Sexbots #entering #bedroom #Seznam #Medium

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