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Exploring the Expulsion of the Jesuits in Michoacán: A Conference at the State Museum

  • In this conference at the State Museum, on Wednesday, March 13.

Morelia, Michoacán, March 11, 2024.- In April 1767, the Spanish monarch Charles III ordered that in New Spain about 680 Jesuits abandon their homes between June and September of that year, leaving behind all their belongings, including their books.

What happened to them? The Ministry of Culture of Michoacán invites you next Wednesday, March 13, to delve into this history with the conference Goodbye to the great Michoacán: the Jesuits and their books after the expulsion of 1767, which Malinalli Hernández Rivera will give at the State Museum. It is free access and will begin at 5 p.m.

In this talk, the speaker will share how the viceregal government had to take charge of all its assets, but very soon it was overwhelmed by the task. The bishops, a closer authority in the distended territories, took charge of the administration of every matter that had been left pending, including their abandoned and wandering books.

The doctor in history Malinalli Hernández Rivera will be in charge of the guide through this story told from the Bishopric of Gran Michoacán, of the bibliographic collections that traveled from each limit of its jurisdiction to old Valladolid.

Currently Hernández Rivera works as a professor-researcher at the Historical Research Institute of the Michoacana University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo. In 2022, she received the Francisco Xavier Clavijero Prize for best doctoral thesis, awarded by the Mexican Academy of Sciences for her work: The pilgrim books: dismemberment, transit and dispersion of the Jesuit libraries of New Spain.

In 2019 it was recognized by the Government of France with a research grant through the House of Velázquez. She is a member of the Mexican Bibliographic Heritage Program, coordinated by the IIB-UNAM and is a founding member of the Permanent Seminar: Errant Books. Ancient funds, representation, memory, tradition and textuality.

2024-03-12 01:36:23
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