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Exploring the Cosmic Phenomenon of Black Holes: Insights from Science and the Quran


Black holes are a cosmic phenomenon that has attracted the attention of many scientists and researchers. Photos/NASA/Space

JAKARTA Black hole is a natural phenomenon that has attracted the attention of many scientists and researchers. The area in outer space it has such a strong gravitational force that nothing can get out of it.

Scientists say that even light cannot escape the pull of a black hole. Therefore, it is not possible to observe a black hole, either with the naked eye or through a telescope.

However, humans can also recognize the character. Black holes will travel through space like a giant broom that can get rid of and suck up all objects and energy in its path.

If any gas is attracted to the black hole, its temperature will increase sharply to millions of degrees and emit enormous X-rays during its journey to the black hole’s grave.

Meanwhile, the Qur’an has long mentioned the existence of black holes. In a book called Science in the Quran written by Dr. Nadiah Thayyarah, black holes have been explained in Surah At-Takwir verses 15-16.

Allah Subhanahu Wa ta’ala says:

I do not swear by al-Khons

synagogue neighborhood

Meaning: “I swear by the stars (al-khunnas), which circulate and set (al-kunnas).” (QS At-Takwir Verse 15-16)

When viewed from its meaning, the word Khanasa in Arabic means ‘hidden, hidden and invisible’. Yakhnisu means ‘to shrink and hide’. Al-Kunnas means ‘closedness and hiddenness’.

In addition, there are also other verses that explain the existence of black holes, namely Al-Mursalat verse 8. The verse reads:

Faizha al-Nujjuwom tumisat tir

Meaning: “Then when the stars have been obliterated,” (QS Al Mursalat Verse 8).

The existence of these two verses indicates that if a star dies, they will later go to a resting place, a black hole. As a result of the violent collision of atomic particles from a star, a black hole is created.

The great friction of atomic particles then creates a very strong gravity. This is what can pull other celestial bodies into the black hole, and eventually destroyed because of the strong gravity of the black hole.


2023-07-29 09:34:45
#Explanation #Black #Holes #Quran

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