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Exploring the Apathy: Why Some People Just Don’t Get Taylor Swift

I Just Don’t Get It: Taylor Swift’s Unassailable Music

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Making Sense of Taylor Swift’s Popularity

I just don’t get Taylor Swift. There, I said it. It’s not a matter of disliking her, but rather not understanding the mass appeal of her music. In this occasional series, we delve into the “I just don’t get it” moments when something popular doesn’t resonate with us.

An Escape from the Hype

It’s freeing to be indifferent towards something. When friends passionately discuss Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour or their favorite Swift song, I politely listen, but it doesn’t ignite any excitement in me. I find solace in not needing to love or hate certain things, simply observing them pass by with a casual acknowledgment.

Taylor Swift’s Fan Base Demographics

While Taylor Swift appeals to a wide audience, real data indicates that a significant portion of her fan base consists of white millennial suburban women. The intersection between her role as a “voice of a generation” and representation for listeners of color is a separate discussion, out of the scope of this article.

An Unassailable Communion of Girl/Womanhood?

What troubles me is the constant portrayal of Taylor Swift’s music, among peers of my demographic, as an undeniable embodiment of girlhood and womanhood. It’s intriguing how positive reviews and discussions often describe her as the epitome of a tortured voice and someone who speaks for an underrepresented audience.

Questioning Taylor Swift’s Uniqueness

However, I can’t help but question the uniqueness attached to Taylor Swift’s music. Other artists have explored the themes of love, loss, heartbreak, and self-actualization in manners just as emphatic. It’s almost as if I missed a lesson in feminine kinship that binds me to her music.

Respecting the Taylor Swift Lovers

Despite my indifference, I wholeheartedly respect Taylor Swift’s fans and their genuine connection to her music. Witnessing a sea of people passionately singing her songs can be an uplifting sight, and who could find any fault in that celebration of joy?

The Sting of Not-Caring-About Taylor Swift

The act of not caring about Taylor Swift does, however, bring a sense of missing out. It implies that the machinery of my life and perhaps my identity would benefit from having an independent thought about Taylor Swift that goes beyond superficial admiration or role model appraisal.

Apathy, Not Snobbery

My indifference is not rooted in snobbery. I don’t possess a discerning taste in music, and my eclectic Spotify playlist is proof. Admitting to not enjoying Taylor Swift’s music has sometimes been politically loaded, with accusations of hate, misogyny, or contrarianism being thrown around.

The Waning Days of Taylor Swift’s Cultural Significance

Times are changing, though. With the critical response to Taylor Swift’s new album being more mixed and public discussions taking a more tempered tone, the era of Swift as the ultimate cultural barometer might be fading. It’s now safer to lay claim to one’s apathy towards her music without encountering severe backlash or cultural exile.

Embracing Personal Freedom

If you don’t love or hate Taylor Swift and her music, it’s time to emerge from the shadows. Embrace the liberty to be unaffected by her cultural influence. Go forth with your apathy in tow, knowing that it’s more than okay to have your own unaffected taste and preferences.

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