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Exploring the Advantages and Challenges of High Energy Density Carriers: A Critical Analysis

including the energy density of 33 Kwh per KG

When is that an advantage? Is the weight of an energy carrier ever the problem?
Because what this doesn’t tell you is that you need extremely large storage tanks for this, or that you have to compress it. Compression takes a lot of energy. You also have to cool it, which also costs a lot of energy.
It contains a lot of energy per KG, but not per m3. And to achieve that you have to put in a lot of energy.

Electrolysis promises to become much more efficient in the future due to innovations

We’ve been hearing that for years, even the article you mention does not achieve the efficiency of solar panels in combination with batteries (which approaches 100%).

In addition, it is flammable and therefore suitable for certain industrial applications that simply require a flammable gas, which is the branch of society with the largest emissions.

That is true, but isn’t it perhaps the first task to generate as much renewable energy as possible in the Netherlands so that we at least have sufficient energy surplus, from which hydrogen can then be formed (sustainably)?

Example; in 2020, the netting scheme cost as much as this amount that we are now putting into hopeful innovation, to name but a few. We can install numerous district batteries to spare the grid and thus free up the energy network. These are all certain things that we will benefit from immediately, instead of financing a trial balloon.

2023-10-09 13:38:49
#Cabinet #making #million #euros #hydrogen #electrolysis #projects

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