The next vinyl café at the Scaër media library will take place on Monday March 18, with a New York theme. “During the first part, on February 5, we saw the music created in the five neighborhoods of southern Manhattan and this time, we will see the other seven neighborhoods: Chelsea – Union Square, Midtown West and East, Upper East Side, Central Park, Upper West Side and Harlem,” announced Gilbert Talabardon, who will host the vinyl café.
“And if there is a little time left, I will mention the Bronx, Queens and Brooklyn. We will discuss jazz, folk, the story of Annie Pannonica Rothschild who hosted Thelonious Monk and Charly Parker, among others, when they were adrift and, obviously, John Lennon, who died in front of the Dakota building, in Central Park. From her garden, Yoko Ono can see the large marble mosaic, in front of which John Lennon fans gather. We will end up in Harlem with James Brown and Sex Machine, at the Apollo, where all the great figures of black music have played. James Brown had so inflamed the Apollo that his coffin was displayed open, on the stage, like a fiery chapel.
Vinyl café, Monday March 18, at 10:30 a.m., at the media library.
2024-03-15 15:13:01
#Scaër #part #vinyl #café #York #Monday #March