Dr. Hamad Al Jaafar, Neurology and Psychiatry Consultant
More than 47% of Americans have suffered from a mental illness during their lives
Mental illnesses appear at any age… and do not have a specific gender preference
Women suffer from depression twice as often as men
Psychotropic medications should be prescribed and used under medical supervision
98% of psychiatric treatments and medications have nothing to do with addiction
Violence is more related to substance use than mental illness
Depression, anxiety disorders, and attention deficit disorder are widespread disorders among Saudis, and the genetic factor is not the primary cause of them
Celebrating World Mental Health Day on the 10th of October every year helps raise awareness of mental illnesses and how to deal with them, through specialists and scientifically reliable bodies. This day also contributes to reducing the stigma of recognizing mental illnesses and encouraging the search for appropriate treatment and support. On this occasion, “Ajel” conducted a dialogue with Dr. Hamad bin Abdullah Al Jaafar, consultant in neurology, psychiatry, physical and criminal medicine, and assistant professor at the College of Medicine, King Saud University, to shed more light on mental health and its diseases, and the text of the dialogue..
* First of all, let’s talk about the most common mental illnesses in Saudi Arabia. Are they hereditary?
Some of the mental illnesses that are widespread in Saudi Arabia, such as depression, anxiety disorders, and attention deficit disorder among adults in general, cannot be said to be necessarily hereditary, as several non-genetic factors cause psychological illnesses, such as the environment and personal experiences, but there are also genetic factors that play an important role in some cases. .
*Are there statistics on the number of people suffering from mental illnesses, whether at the local or global level?
Yes, these statistics change depending on time and place and depend on current research and reports. For example, but not limited to, the results of the National Survey of Mental Illnesses in the Kingdom show that at least one person out of every three has suffered from a mental illness or is suffering from it. This means that more than 34% of Saudis suffer from mental illnesses, approximately 40% of whom in… Young people, while in the United States of America studies indicate that more than 47% of Americans suffer or have suffered from a mental illness during one stage of their lives.
* At what age can mental illnesses appear and which are more common in men or women?
Mental illnesses can appear at any age, and do not have a specific gender preference, but rather differ from one disorder to another. For example, women suffer from depression at twice the rate compared to men, while schizophrenia occurs at an equal rate for both sexes. However, the types of mental disorders vary in the age at which they commonly appear. For example, panic disorders may begin at an early age while depression can appear at any stage of life.
* When does a person resort to psychological treatment?
A person must resort to psychotherapy when he feels that he is unable to successfully deal with his psychological, emotional, and life challenges, or when these challenges or symptoms negatively affect his daily life and his functional performance, whether socially, family, work, academic, or Spiritual.
*There are those who say that psychiatric medications cause addiction.. What do you think?
This is a dangerous misconception, as more than 98% of psychiatric treatments and medications have nothing to do with addiction, either close or distant, but psychiatric medications must be prescribed and used under medical supervision and in accordance with medical guidelines. As for some medications that can cause addiction, they are only given with restricted prescriptions, subject to strict supervision by both health and security authorities, and are not limited to psychiatric medications, but rather include some medications for pain, immune disorders, injuries, and other medical conditions.
*Is violence linked to psychological disorders?
The reality is quite the opposite, as many people with psychological disorders may be more susceptible to aggressive or violent behavior. Violence is often linked to substance use rather than mental illness.
* The reckless driving and irritability of some vehicle drivers is a phenomenon we have in the Kingdom. What do you attribute this to, and do these people have psychological disorders?
Reckless driving and agitation, especially if it is a predominant trait, can be linked to psychological stress, anger disorders, or some personality disorders. But not all people who drive recklessly have psychological disorders.
* What can I do to improve my mental health?
To enhance mental health, you can do things such as regular exercise, proper nutrition, good sleep, positive social interaction, effective communication with your friends and family, avoiding all behaviors, habits or abuse related to addiction, and seeking psychological advice when needed from a specialist.
2023-10-17 18:27:59
#Saudis #mentally #ill