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Exploring Lyon’s Public Transportation: The Metro B Relay Bus

[Série – Sur toute la ligne] Public transport says a lot about the life of a city and its inhabitants. Rue89Lyon has decided to explore several lines of the metropolis of Lyon from end to end. To start: the metro B relay bus.

Since July 31, metro B has been completely shut down. For regular users of this line, the question arises every day: how to get around? For sure, you have to forget the comfort of the B line, find a Vélo’v and pedal under the sun if you don’t go too far, or else be shaken up in a crowded bus, not always air-conditioned. Why not take the Metro B relay bus, chartered by Lyon Metropolis instead of the usual underground line?

The famous “BRMB” passes every 7 to 15 minutes -it seems-. You need a little patience, and not hoping to leave home at the last moment, compared to the 3-minute frequency of metro B. Especially since the regularity of the passage is much more random. This may do the trick. You still have to not want to get on or off at Charpennes or Brotteaux, because the line does not cover all the stops. Too bad, we’ll take it from Part-Dieu, towards Oullins station.

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2023-08-10 04:26:18
#Lyon #metro #relay #bus #weariness #resignation

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