Home » Entertainment » Exploring Identity and Rebellion: The Story of ‘Old’

Exploring Identity and Rebellion: The Story of ‘Old’

Old tells the life of a woman who embarks on a quest to discover the truth of existence through the meaning of words. Since she was little, she has been known by that nickname, but by embarking on her own path, her life takes an unexpected turn.

The protagonist is a young woman determined to find work to support her son, and stands out for her tenacity. The play, an irreverent comedy written by Adrian Vazquezes starring Maria Antonieta Hidalgo and will be presented at the Anthill Cultural Center Starting Tuesday, August 8.

Throughout the story, the protagonist will explore her fleeting thinking and discover the tenderness and self-confidence that lead her to face everyday problems in an unconventional way. The narrative is developed in a single voice, with moments of dialogue, and its context can be located anywhere in present-day Mexico.

In Old, the female lead wears a naive look in a denim miniskirt, black crop top, and red fluffy vest, along with a pigtail hairstyle. However, the title of the work is a conceptual contradiction to the true character of the protagonist, representing a cry of rebellion against the abuse, lies and hypocrisy of societyas explained by Adrián Vázquez himself.

Despite the name controversy, the work seeks to show how sometimes we allow external opinions to define us, forgetting to recognize our true essence, which is the case of the protagonist.

The author and director of Old, Adrián Vázquez, has three decades of experience on stage and has participated in several films, television series and streaming projects. He is also part of the theater company the sad tigersknown for its focus on Theater of the Body and for telling original and distinctive stories.

Nattz Landaverde is a production assistant, El Grupo is in charge of the costumes, Adrián Vázquez of the scenic space and lighting, Ieve González and Santiago Ulloa of Graphic Design, and Carlos Patrick Casanova of executive production.

For More information about the show, schedules and tickets, click here.

With information and photos courtesy of The Three Sad Tigers.

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2023-08-07 01:56:12
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