Home » Entertainment » Exploring Expressive Possibilities: The ‘FOLDS’ Exhibition by Sandra Szkolnik

Exploring Expressive Possibilities: The ‘FOLDS’ Exhibition by Sandra Szkolnik

MIAMI.- The exhibition titled FOLDS”from artist Sandra Szkolnik, will be inaugurated on September 9, 2023 at 6 pm, in the new exhibition spaces of the IMAGO cultural center, in Miami, under the curatorship of art researcher Katherine Chacón.

The exhibition “is the result of the methodical and constant investigation that Sandra Szkolnik (Lima, Peru, 1968) has been carrying out, for more than four years, around the expressive possibilities of lines and volumes generated by straight folds” , affirms the Venezuelan curator in the text that accompanies the exhibition.

Early on, Szkolnik was inspired by origami, but his interests were not directed to the construction of figures —as in the traditional Japanese technique— but to the behavior of the regular modules that progressively create the folds. Within this apparently simple —but certainly infinite— focus of exploration, the artist traced the routes of what would be the plastic formulations of her creative practice. In this, research on materials has been fundamental. The triangular modules, the basis of her language, required not only to acquire physical consistency but also to adequately express the studied chromaticism of the artist. In addition, the flexibility of the fold had to be made manifest”, explains Chacón.

“Szkolnik also incorporates a haptic game between the real and suggested possibilities of the viewer’s intervention. Although her first pieces were made so that he could arrange them “to his liking” and using magnets on a flat surface —a device that is still maintained in his small-format production—, the artist has regulated this intervention in his later work, by establish tensions between the invitation generated by the folded forms to be manipulated and the real possibilities of manipulation (…) Szkolnik updates in his work a deep interest in building a grammar of space, in which the volumetric and the flat, the visible and the invisible, the expanded and the folded, what is multiplied and what is divided, would make up the signs to be deciphered”, explains Chacón.

Sandra Szkolnik was born in Lima, Peru, in 1968. She studied graphic design at the Toulouse Lautrec Institute in her hometown (1986-1989), and Computer Applications/Aplicaciones informáticas, at the Massachusetts College of Arts (Boston, MA, 1991-1992). . She lived in Venezuela for 10 years, where she established important ties. She currently resides and works in Miami. Her work has been exhibited in various collective exhibitions in Peru and the United States.

The exhibition FOLDS”by Sandra Szkolnik, will remain open to the public until January 2024 in the spaces of the IMAGO cultural center, located at 4028 SW 57 Ave, in Miami.

FUENTE: Newsroom/ Las Américas Newspaper

2023-09-03 21:33:21
#Work #artist #Sandra #Szkolnik #exhibited #Miami

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