Home » today » Entertainment » Explore the Timbral Possibilities of the Famous Hammond Organ: A Jazz Concert with Atis Andersons, Andris Buiķis, and Āris Ozols

Explore the Timbral Possibilities of the Famous Hammond Organ: A Jazz Concert with Atis Andersons, Andris Buiķis, and Āris Ozols

The famous “Hammond” organ has very wide timbral possibilities, starting from delicate soft colors to an uplifting powerful sound, the organizers of the concert noted.

The organ was created by Lawrence Hammond in 1934, and it has been an integral part of jazz and other music genres for almost a hundred years.

Pianist, organist and composer Atis Andersons, jazz drummer Andris Buiķis and jazz guitarist Āris Ozols will perform at the concert.

The program will feature jazz rock original music by Ata Anderson and Ára Ozola, funk and groove in genres. The specific hand and funk music rhythms combined with jazz elements in harmony and improvisations. Jazz standards in the context of modern music will also be played.

The event is supported by the State Cultural Capital Fund.


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2023-08-21 09:37:48
#worldfamous #Hammond #organ #play #Ärmani #manor

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