Explore these important benefits for body and soul and enjoy a special experience!
Large blocks of natural salt from Praid and Himalayan salt generate salt aerosols, a very powerful natural disinfectant that definitely contributes to the health of the respiratory system.
Moreover, this is an excellent opportunity to enjoy a warm, pleasant, relaxing and beneficial environment for mental health.
Forget stress, anxiety and negative thoughts!
Salina SalRegia Bucharest provides you with a lot of important benefits, such as:
– Cleaning the airways up to the level of the lung alveoli, which will give you release;
– Removal of deposits from the walls of the respiratory system, in the case of smokers;
– Easier breathing, decreases the factors that cause snoring;
– General well-being of the body. Acts in depth, compared to equivalent drug treatments;
– It helps you to get a much stronger immune system and greater resistance to diseases;
– Reducing the risk of return of viral infections or their amplification;
– It definitely reduces the suffering caused by ENT conditions, whether we are talking about rhinitis, sinusitis or otitis. These ailments will be easier to remove with the help of saline aerosols from our salt room;
– Forget the torment caused by allergies! Salinotherapy reduces the forms of manifestation, duration and intensity of allergies;
– Migraines, fatigue, inner tensions, all these will be diminished. You will realize that salt water is a real anti-stress. When stress disappears from your life, everything becomes much clearer and you can focus on the really important things;
– No side effects like drug treatments!
– The performance of our salt pan is 4 times higher than deep salt pans due to the controlled environment (temperature, humidity, ventilation, pressure)
What diseases can be treated in saline?
With the help of salinotherapy, you can successfully improve the adverse effects caused by a number of diseases of the respiratory system, skin diseases, as well as a number of diseases that affect the circulatory or neurological system. It has also been proven that salinotherapy sessions can also stimulate their healing.
Among the main conditions analyzed on which excellent effects could be observed are:
Diseases of the respiratory system:
– Gripe
– Colds and respiratory infections
– Forms of bronchitis
– Chronic and acute pneumonias
– Cough
– Irritated respiratory system
– Runny nose
– Snoring
– Plague
– Pharyngitis
– ENT infections
– Allergies
– Fibrosis
– Sinusitis and sinus infections
Skin conditions:
– Itching
– Injuries and trauma
– Versicolor psoriasis
– Dermatitis (contact, atopic, etc.)
– Skin with imperfections – acne (of various forms)
– Eczema
Neurological conditions:
– Depression
– Anxiety
– Headaches
– Neuroses
– Lethargic feelings
– Insomnia etc.
The benefits of the SalRegia Bucharest salt pan for children:
– Fights the symptoms caused by respiratory diseases;
– Open the nose;
– Relieves cough quickly;
– Heals persistent cough;
– Prevents flu and cold;
– Reduces pain caused by inflammation (sinusitis, tonsillitis);
– Reduces the need to administer drugs (anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics);
– Generates peaceful sleep and excellent general condition;
– Prevents relapses from communities (school, kindergarten);
– Increasing resistance to seasonal diseases, various forms of infection in the community (school, clubs, kindergarten, circles, afterschool);
– Children will be much calmer because polyps and tonsils receive strong support thanks to the anti-inflammatory actions of salt;
– The presence of a playground in the salt mine, specially designed for the little ones, where they will discover a lot of beautiful toys, fun, organized and individual activities. There is a generous layer of salt on the floor, so that children can play to their heart’s content, feeling exactly the same as on the beach. The playground encourages all the little ones to play and have fun!
Salt pit for children
Due to the early immune system and prone to numerous ailments, salinotherapy is a form of treatment that can be used even in children over 8 months old, in order to alleviate some diseases, to increase the natural self-defense capacity against degenerative factors, or for prevention.
We have a room specially designed for them, so that even the little ones can relax when you come with them to SalRegia.
Salinotherapy has proven to be extremely beneficial for children in terms of relieving colds and recurrent infections, it contributes to the prevention of delayed physical development and also to increasing the effectiveness of drug treatments.
Saline for children: studies show that saline therapy is more than 75% effective in children, their body responds much more easily than that of adults, whose body is constantly affected by stress and fatigue, factors that can delay healing.
Conventional therapies can be difficult and unpleasant for children, especially if we mention a number of medical tools or substances that children are forced to accept, which often leads to trauma. But because saline therapy is a non-invasive, painless and overall relaxing experience, they will be extremely comfortable and open to using it.
As they play, their body will heal or strengthen itself to protect itself from further discomfort.
According to the studies carried out since the use of salinotherapy for therapeutic purposes by mankind, the percentage of healing and improvement is ~87%.
Go to more details.
Salina SalRegia
Bd. Pache Protopopescu, no. 29, sector 2, Bucharest
2023-10-13 06:37:02
#benefits #salt #water #adults #children