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Explains the tears

LILLEHAMMER (Dagbladet): She had to wipe away a few tears on Tuesday, Maren Lundby (26). She was first described as the Norwegian ski jumper of all time by sports manager Clas Brede Bråthen. Then she – finally, six months after the end of the season – received the trophy that proves that she was the world’s best ski jumper in the 2019/2020 season.

The original was smashed in the mail, and FIS had to make a new one.

– Yes, say it, says Maren Lundby when Dagbladet asks if she can put her tears into words.

– It is difficult. Everyone who has made this possible, with whom I associate every single day, is gathered here. Not least the partners who put in a lot so that we can keep up with this. I notice that I appreciate them so much. I love this gang, says Lundby.

Takes the signals now

Dagbladet meets Lundby in the middle of a small training break. The world’s best ski jumper has been given a so-called “jumper’s knee”, a problem that has been murmuring beneath the surface for a while.

After a solid training summer, it may simply be that it was a little too much for the knee. Therefore, it is good to have a break.

But Lundby is anything but worried.

– The knee is pretty good, I would really say. The symptoms have been there for a while, then it has become “slightly” worse, says Lundby.

She emphasizes that she does not see it as a challenge for the coming season.

– But I have to take the signals now so that I get better. I think the most important thing is that I can calm it down. I’m not worried. It would be worse if the knee gets worse and I have to stand over competitions, says the 26-year-old.

PROMO: Maren Lundby and Daniel-André Tande were asked to promote Raw Air in Poland. The clip attracts attention! Video: Raw Air
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A week’s break

In recent months, she has trained in domestic areas in Lillehammer. Several of the jumpers claim that it has given one of the best training summers ever.

For Lundby, there will be a week break. But it holds.

– It is a load injury, so it is the load that must be taken down. I’m not sure if it will be completely good, also in the long run. But it will be an assessment from week to week, and make the best possible choice so that the knee is good when it comes to most. This in itself is not that dangerous, but if it hits you, it gets worse, says Lundby.

Now it’s all about getting well, and being so good for the start of the season – which according to the plan goes to Lillehammer at the beginning of December. But the problems and uncertainty surrounding the corona pandemic are impossible to push under the rug.

– Everything has gone smoothly until now. I have done a lot of good training since March, I have been here and trained and relaxed well. We just have to prepare as normal for the season, says Lundby.

– What do you think about the season and the uncertainty surrounding it?

– I’m surprised if nothing happens. We have probably received signals that it will be something.

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