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Experts warn of the dangers of diet drugs that cause frequent urination

Jakarta (ANTARA) – A nutritionist from Siloam Hospital, Dr. dr. Inge Permadhi, MS, SpGK appealed to the public not to be careless in choosing drugs for weight loss diets.

“Actually, if diet pills are used by nutrition doctors, that’s really okay. It’s been proven that he (drugs) can help,” said Inge when contacted AMONG, Wednesday (22/12).

Furthermore, Inge said that drugs that promise to lose weight by making a person urinate or defecate more often should not be used.

“But those who don’t agree are using laxatives or drugs that cause a lot of urination and defecation. I don’t agree with that because it’s not in accordance with the concept of drugs that are indeed used for weight loss,” he said.

Inge explained that if a person is overweight or obese, the thing that must be reduced in order to lose body weight is fat and not fluids. So, the use of diet drugs that make a person often defecate and urinate is not the right solution.

“If he urinates a lot, actually fluids are needed by the body. A fat person doesn’t mean he has to reduce the fluid in his body. But it’s a lot of fat. That’s what must be eliminated,” said Inge.

“So if the weight goes down using the drug, it’s because the fluid is reduced, not the fat is reduced. It’s not okay. In fact, it can cause dehydration or kidney failure, right,” he continued.

Therefore, Inge also suggested that people should not be careless in buying and consuming diet drugs. You should consult a doctor if you are obese and want to go on a weight loss diet.

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