There is an outbreak of a disease called Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) which is a worrying epidemic.
This was directly conveyed by Margo Pybus, a wildlife disease expert and researcher at the University of Alberta quoted from News 18.
He said that the epidemic is spreading between Russian located in meadows and parks.
Initially the disease appeared in Canada in 1996 on farms Russian and ends up spreading widely in the population Russian liar.
Since then, Russian became the most common host for CWD in parts of North America. Though Russian Being an animal that has a high potential for CWD, this disease can infect other animals such as elk, moose, and caribou,
Then why is this disease called the ‘Zombie Virus’?
After the research, animals infected with this disease will become sick, thin and weak.
According to the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, chronic CWD can take over the nervous system Russian and it always turns off.