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Experts want to extend the measure by three weeks, some would even harder!

So far, 6,588 new infections have been added to Thursday 6 pm. A record 15,727 newly infected – this is a covid account for Wednesday. 698 patients have died since Monday. Coronavirus in the Czech Republic has 180,566 people on Thursday.

Experts recommend that schools, restaurants and some shops remain closed for at least another three weeks. It is said that it would be ideal to keep them closed until the end of the year.

According to some, it is necessary to go even further. “I don’t think he really should hesitate and proceed to the last possible tightening for ten to fourteen days now. This means what is sometimes called a hard lockdown,” said immunologist Václav Hořejší.

“It’s hard, but we can’t do it without it and we really need a lockdown,” thinks evolutionary biologist and parasitologist Jaroslav Flégr.

In such a case, only those without whom we cannot do without work, such as paramedics, firefighters or those who produce and sell food, would go to work.

According to the Ministry of Health, the number of hospitalizations is increasing and it will probably be even worse in the next fortnight.

“We will reach numbers of up to 11,000 hospitalized in one day,” estimates epidemiologist Roman Chlíbek.

Due to the coronavirus, Prime Minister Andrej Babiš met with the President in Lány on Thursday. It is said that the Ministry of Health plans to announce on Friday how it will proceed.

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