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Experts want a normal youth life, Gommers thinks that ‘walking on eggs’

Daily life of young people should return to normal, say experts. Diederik Gommers does not like that at all.

The youth of the Netherlands must be protected against the adverse consequences of measures taken by the government to prevent the spread of the corona virus, according to a group of youth experts.

The experts believe that when determining (regional) measures, it should always be specifically examined to what extent they also apply to children and young people. “This requires a good balance between a safe society and healthy development”, finds the Netherlands Youth Institute, among others. The call is addressed to the cabinet, the Outbreak Management Team (OMT) and the safety regions.

Gommers thinks it is ‘a time bomb’

While the number of corona infections is on the rise, the number of hospital admissions remains relatively low. Chairman Diederik Gommers of the Dutch Association for Intensive Care (NVIC) could therefore imagine from his own expertise that the corona rules for young people could be relaxed a bit, but… “But it remains very difficult, because it is a time bomb. You do not know exactly what the effects are when you relax. Then it can suddenly go fast in fourteen days ”, he said BNR News Radio. “It keeps walking on eggs.”

Young people had to leave the Appelhof through corona camping, Gommers is concerned
Young people who stayed at the Appelhof campsite near the ferry to Harlingen. A number of campers at the popular youth campsite contracted the corona virus this summer. Photo: ANP / Jacob van Essen

Young people need contact

In the letter from the experts today, it is recalled that the corona measures had a major impact on children and young people in the first months. “Often contact with important adults and peers was prohibited. Education, childcare, care, sports and leisure were under pressure. For their development, children and young people need contact with others who stimulate, challenge and guide them. ”

The plea is supported by various paediatricians, developmental psychologists and administrators of healthcare organizations, including the Netherlands Institute of Psychologists (NIP), Jeugdartsen Nederland (AJN), the Dutch Psychiatric Association (NVvP) and the professional association for carers and nurses (V&VN).

Gommers sees danger for parents and grandparents

Virologists and epidemiologists often point out that corona patients admitted to hospitals have usually become infected a week or two before. “Every time we thought: we will see more recordings in fourteen days. But if you now look back over the past six weeks, you don’t actually see that happening ”, Gommers admits. Still, he says it is not without risks to lift certain precautions for young people. “Young people will also have contact with parents or grandparents and these are precisely the risk groups.” Ultimately, the cabinet must weigh up all interests, according to the chairman of the NVIC.

Back to the experts. The advocacy signatories believe that both teachers and other people who work with children should be given priority in corona testing. As far as they are concerned, this also applies to youth aid professionals and sports coaches, for example.

Another concern is the “lack of perspective” for young people, who are facing growing youth unemployment as well have more difficulty finding internships. “It is of great social importance that things continue to go well for the generations of the future.”

Also read: 51 visitors to Nijmegen student cafe infected with corona virus

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Experts want a normal youth life, Gommers thinks that ‘walking on eggs’

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