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Experts terrified. Iran has tons of enriched uranium – o2

Iran has 10 times more uranium reserves than allowed by the international agreement of 2015, which the state once signed, among others, with China or the USA. The IAEA inspected the stocks that were at the suspect facility, reports BBC News.

The Iranian authorities have allowed IAEA employees to enter one of the two facilities “in good faith” to stop the information related to them from being secret and evoking emotions. It is not known what is in the second site, but the IAEA intends to visit that site as well.

Iran maintains that uranium is stored and will only be used by the state for “peaceful purposes”. According to the arrangements made in the agreement, up to 300 kg of uranium should be stored in Iran.

The IAEA took samples of the element to test whether it is only low-enriched uranium from which the fuel is produced, or whether the samples contain a higher concentration of the isotope. According to the source – the highly enriched element is used, for the production of weapons.


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