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Experts Reveal the Mystery of the Fall of the WTC Tower after being hit by a plane

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Experts unravel the riddle collapse of the twin towers World Trade Center (WTC) after being hit by two planes in 9/11 attack.

According to senior scientist, Christian Simensen, from SINTEF Materials and Chemistry, the collapse of the twin buildings due to the confluence of molten aluminum and water caused an explosive reaction that destroyed the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center (WTC) in the 9/11 attacks in 2001 ago.

He said that a mixture of water from the fire sprinkler system (sprinkler) and molten aluminum from the melted fuselage of the fuselage created an explosion that caused the collapse of the two Twin Towers (WTC 1 and 2) in Manhattan, United States.

“Both scientific experiments and 250 reports of disasters suffered by the aluminum industry have shown that the combination of molten aluminum and water releases a huge explosion,” said Simensen as quoted from Science Daily (21/9/2011).

Speculation arose

The 9/11 attacks that hit the twin towers at the World Trade Center (WTC) had become a debate about the strangeness of the collapse of three buildings in the area.

The reason is, they are not sure that only a plane crash can bring down the two towers (WTC Twin Towers 1 and 2) in an instant. Especially when the third building called WTC 7 suddenly collapsed by itself seven hours after the collapse of the twin towers.

This then provoked speculation conspiracy theorists who said the WTC buildings had been wired with explosives beforehand. So that the three towers can be directly leveled with a series of controlled destruction.

The sudden collapse of WTC 7 further strengthened those who believe it was the primary evidence that the US government orchestrated or abetted the 9/11 attacks.

The reason is, there was no plane that crashed into the WTC 7 building. In addition, from the outside the building generally shows signs of significant damage. However, at 17:20, 7 hours after the collapse of the twin towers, the building collapsed suddenly.

WTC 7 itself is a shorter building that is near the twin towers and is used as the office of the CIA intelligence office and the security forces of the president and vice president of the ASSecret Service.

Reasons for Aluminum to Cause the Collapse of the WTC Scan 9/11 Action


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