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Experts reveal single mutation of Zika virus could become epidemic

Brilio.net – Scientists from the La Jolla Institute for Immunology, United States, revealed that a mutated Zika virus could trigger an outbreak of an outbreak. In 2016, the Zika virus caused a global health threat. This virus infects pregnant women, causing thousands of babies to suffer brain damage.

Through the publication of the journal Cell Reports, US researchers demonstrated that this virus can mutate rapidly and produce many new variants. The world is urged to be vigilant against new mutations of the Zika virus.

Studies of these infections show these variants can transmit the virus effectively. Including in countries that have built immunity from virus zika. Experts explain that the findings of this laboratory experiment are still in the form of a theory. It is also a warning that viruses other than Covid-19 can pose a real threat.

The researchers conducted experiments by transmitting viral cells with mice. As Zika moved between mosquito and mouse cells, small genetic changes occurred. This means that it is quite easy for mutations to occur in the Zika virus by making it continue to grow and spread. Even in animals that have disease immunity from dengue infection.


“The Zika virus that we identified has evolved to a point where cross-immunity by dengue infection is no longer effective in mice,” said Professor Sujan Shresta, lead author of the La Jolla Institute for Immunology. brilio.net from the BBC, Thursday (14/4).

“Unfortunately, if this variant becomes more dominant, then we have problems in real life,” he added.

Professor Jonathan Ball, a virologist from the University of Nottingham, explained that rapid mutation is not only possessed by the Covid-19 virus, but also by other viruses.

“This is a warning that many viruses have the ability to mutate,” he explained, quoted by the BBC on Thursday (14/4).

Virus zika It is spread by the bite of an infected Aedes mosquito. Adults exposed to this virus have mild symptoms of infection such as fever, rash, and joint pain. However, this virus has a dangerous impact on the fetus in the womb.

If the mother catches this virus during pregnancy, Zika can infect and harm the developing fetus. This virus is known to cause birth defects, such as microcephaly and brain tissue damage.

There is no medical treatment for Zika infection yet. So, scientists began to develop a Zika vaccine to protect pregnant women.



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