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Experts remind the dangers of osteoporosis that are often not realized

Jakarta (ANTARA) – Orthopedic & Traumatology Specialist dr. Ricky Edwin Pandapotan Hutapea, Sp.OT (K) warned of the dangers of osteoporosis which is a hidden disease of bone loss.silent disease) where the signs and symptoms are not noticed.

“This disease can be said silent disease because the patient usually does not feel any complaints, until one day fractures can occur to a decrease in quality of life. However, osteoporosis can actually be treated through a healthy lifestyle, consumption of proper nutrition, appropriate exercise, and early detection,” said Dr. Ricky, quoted from the official broadcast on Thursday.

This disease can also affect anyone, especially adults and the elderly. According to the osteoporosis control guidelines published by the Indonesian Ministry of Health, worldwide, 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men over 50 years of age have osteoporosis.

It is estimated that 2 out of 5 Indonesians are also at risk of osteoporosis, even in 2050, men and women over 50 years old (most at risk for osteoporosis) will be 1/3 of the total population of Indonesia.

To overcome the problem of osteoporosis, people are expected to improve their lifestyle and also change their diet with balanced nutrition.

dr. Ida Gunawan, MS. Sp.GK(K), FINEM, Clinical Nutrition Specialist said that osteoporosis can be caused by age, low intake of calcium, antioxidants, and protein, as well as lack of physical activity and an unhealthy lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle should be started as early as possible to prevent osteoporosis. Therefore, it is very important to consume balanced and proper nutrition and also to lead a healthy lifestyle, one of which is by not smoking, because cigarette smoke which is a free radical can worsen the condition of osteoporosis.

“Consume proper and balanced nutrition, for example eating foods that contain enough protein, vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, vitamin D, as well as foods rich in antioxidants such as olives. This balanced nutritious food must be in our daily menu every day starting from young age to old age,” explained dr. Ida.

Meanwhile, dr. Antonius Andi Kurniawan, SpKO, Sports Medicine Specialist explained that in addition to daily nutrition, it is necessary to pay attention to strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis by exercising regularly.

At least do 30 minutes of physical activity every day while paying attention to the load that is adjusted to each ability.

“When we exercise, we not only build muscle and endurance, but also build and maintain the number and thickness of your bones, or bone mass density. It is mandatory to do 30 minutes of physical activity every day,” said dr. Andi.

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