Home » today » World » Experts: Lukashenko lay a change in Belarus; also Europe “surprised in sleep” – Opinions – News

Experts: Lukashenko lay a change in Belarus; also Europe “surprised in sleep” – Opinions – News

According to Arkady Mosque, a spokesman for the Finnish Foreign Policy Institute, Lukashenko is convinced that he is running a country that elected him president in 1994, but this is not true because the country is very developed and Lukashenko has laid it down.

A representative of the Finnish Foreign Policy Institute considers that

During the pre-election campaign, Lukashenko made several mistakes.

First, his attitude towards Covid-19, a disease caused by the new coronavirus, was wrong. Lukashenko’s treatment of people infected with the new virus has been offensive. The expert acknowledged that Lukashenko had his own reasons for not wanting to stop the economy, but no one expected such a step from him.

Moses also acknowledged the attitude of the current President of Belarus towards women as a mistake.

Lukashenko had allowed Svetlana Tikhanovska to run in the elections because she was convinced that in the society he had imagined, the woman would have no chance of being elected, but the society thought otherwise.

Third, Lukashenko made a mistake in focusing on the “Russian threat” during the campaign.

The mosque stressed that Russia was not a threat to most Belarusians and that the news did not receive a response, as most of Lukashenko’s electorate believed that Russia was a fraternal nation. This part of the voters, in the opinion of the expert, is entangled in assessments, to consider Russia as a fraternal nation or a threat.

“They did not believe Lukashenko because for twenty years they believed that Russia was the sister of Belarus. A smaller proportion of voters believed that Russia was a threat and believed that Lukashenko was part of the problem, not the solution. He was part of a potential process that could lead to “Belarus is losing its sovereignty,” said a spokesman for the Finnish Foreign Policy Institute.

Europe is also amazed at sleep

Viljars Vēbels, a researcher at the Baltic Defense College, pointed out that the turn of the situation in Belarus in Europe should have been discussed two years ago, because it was already obvious that something like this could happen in the next five years.

“Not to mention the Baltic States, but the rest of Europe – we are again asleep.

By that I do not mean that we need to support Belarus politically by helping the opposition in this process. I am talking about the fact that we are not able to offer the Belarusian people an alternative offer instead of the one offered by Russia, “the researcher emphasized.

According to him, the Western approach has been that it is a Belarusian struggle – the locals must bring about change themselves, make themselves free and “we will support them”. Speaking of parables, Weel pointed out that

it is a large parasite in the body that needs to be replaced with something fast enough so that the body does not perish.

According to him, the economic and social system of Belarus needs factories and industries that work to ensure that the Belarusians can live a normal life until they themselves can put their political system in order in the next six months.

According to Weel, Lukashenko is in the middle between former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi, who means that the current president of Belarus “can end up in either Rublovka or the cemetery.” The researcher said that Lukashenko is trying to gain time, hoping that there will be another third alternative.

The Latvian Institute of Foreign Policy, in cooperation with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, the Nuclear Threats Initiative, the European Leadership Network, and the Russian Foreign Policy Council, held a public discussion “Transformation Process in Belarus: Impact on the West and Russia.” The discussion takes place within the framework of the annual “Riga Dialogues 2020” conference. The aim of the project is to discuss and provide mutually beneficial recommendations for improving the Euro-Atlantic security area and dialogue.

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