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Experts Find Unique Facts on Early Generations of Galaxies Thanks to James Webb

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Telescope James Webb (JWST) again found interesting facts from the universe related to galaxy. What’s that?

Through an observation, JWST found, the galaxies in the early formation of the universe were more varied and mature than previously thought. This was known after scientists compared photos from JWST with photos from the Hubble Telescope.

Citing the site of the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), experts compared 850 galaxies on redshift dating from about 11-13 billion years ago. It was carried out within the framework of the Cosmic Evolution Release Science (CEERS) survey.

The survey has used data from JWST since last June. Reported Spacethe results of this study have also been published in The Astrophysical Journal.

Redshift Occurs when an object or galaxy moves away from Earth, it appears red (red-shifted) because the light waves are stretched. As a result, a light enters the red end of the spectrum.

Compared to Hubble, JWST has the ability to see galaxies that are experiencing phenomena redshift the. As a result, experts can observe these galaxies in greater detail.

“There have been many previous studies that emphasize that we see a lot of galaxies with disks at a level redshift which is high, and that’s true,” said Associate Professor at RIT, Jeyhan Kartaltepe.

“But in this study, we also saw many galaxies that have other structures such as irregular, or spherical, as we have seen for galaxies with redshift The low one. That means, even with redshift like this, the galaxy has evolved and has a lot of structure,” said Jeyhan, who led the study.

Furthermore, in the study, experts demonstrated the sophistication of JWST’s resolution, depth, and wave coverage compared to Hubble.

Thanks to JWST’s observations, 488 of the 850 galaxies Hubble had previously observed were reclassified. Kartaltepe said experts were still in the early stages of really taking advantage of JWST’s sophistication.

“These results make us feel we don’t know when the structure of early galaxies formed. We haven’t seen early disk galaxies. We have to examine many more galaxies at this level. redshift higher to actually calculate when the galactic disk-like appendages formed,” Kartaltepe said.

Previously, JWST also successfully detected a light that has been traveling for 13.4 billion years. This light comes from early galaxies that appeared just 350 million years after the Big Bang.

This discovery of galactic light from the early universe was made possible by cutting-edge technology in the James Webb telescope. The telescope is designed to detect the spectrum of infrared light and near-infrared light coming from outer space objects.

[Gambas:Video CNN]


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