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Experts debunk the link between Covid-19 vaccines and the increase in heart attacks | Health and Wellness

Thanks to various specialized studies on the consequences, pros and cons of the Covid-19 vaccinesis that sufficient evidence has been able to be added to Demystifying the relationship between vaccination and the recent increase in heart attacks.

Therefore, it can be said that There is insufficient evidence to claim that vaccination after the pandemic triggered an increase in acute myocardial infarctions, especially in young people (under 50 years old).

Covid-19 vaccines are not linked to increased heart attacks

According to Various studies published by the American Heart Associationthe risk of heart inflammation It’s weird after the third dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. In addition, in general, Cases of myocarditis after inoculation are rare and usually mild..

What is related to a Cardiovascular risk is Covid-19 itself. An investigation on this subject published by the medical journal The Lancet suggested that such a virus “is a risk factor for acute myocardial infarction and ischemic stroke. This indicates that Acute myocardial infarction and ischemic stroke (ACV) represent a part of the clinical picture of Covid-19and the need for vaccination against it is highlighted.”

In the same study, the Covid-19 was linked to “a three- to eight-fold increased risk of heart attack and a three- to seven-fold increased risk of stroke.”according to the American Heart Association.

While the Covid vaccine has been linked to certain rare cases of myocarditis and pericarditis (types of heart inflammation), that must be examined in context, Dr. Gregory Piazzadirector of vascular medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (Boston) and academic at Harvard Medical School.

“The risks of the vaccine are very rare events,” the expert added. Other document released by the same heart health organization determined that “partial or complete vaccination after SARS-CoV-2 infection is associated with a lower risk of major adverse cardiac events“.

In this regard, the pediatric cardiologist, president of the Prevention Department of the Chilean Society of Cardiology and vice president of the Sports Medicine branch of the Chilean Society of Pediatrics, Paulo Valderrama Erazogave his appreciation to BioBioChile.

“There is no proven study that gives causality or association to vaccines with acute myocardial infarctions in young people”the doctor from Clínica Bupa Santiago and IntegraMédica also told our media.

“In fact, there are An article by Dr. Carolina Nazzal which shows that The trend of heart attacks in people under 45 years of age is slowly increasing“, adds the cardiologist. In this study, it is evident that This phenomenon has been observed for more than a decade in our country..

The professional agrees that there has indeed been a gradual increase in these heart attacks in recent years, however, this is due to the “malnutrition with junk food and artificial drinks, overweight, obesity, sedentary lifestyle and physical inactivity”.

By leading a lifestyle with these characteristics, the possibility of developing it increases considerably. high blood pressure, insulin resistance, cholesterol disorders and stress; all of these are risk factors for a cardiovascular event. These factors, explains Valderrama, “have been accumulating gradually.”

“In the Covid-19 pandemic there was a break with respect to the evolution before the vaccine and after the vaccine, and If there were causality or association between vaccines and acute myocardial infarctions, a break or exponential increase in mortality from acute myocardial infarctions would probably have been observed when the vaccines were introduced. There has been a progressive and persistent increase, but not a break or exponential increase after the introduction of the vaccines.. If there was a break, it was the evolution of vaccinated people who began to recover, and we are currently living with Covid-19 thanks to the vaccines; thanks to the defenses we have,” says the expert.

Regarding this debated topic, Valderrama clarifies and reiterates that there has indeed been a sustained trend over time of acute myocardial infarctions or cerebrovascular accidents at increasingly earlier ages, but due to other factors, and not to the Covid-19 vaccination.

According to the cardiologist, and as mentioned above, this increase is “due to an accumulation of different cardiovascular risk factorseven before the pandemic, such as high blood pressure, cholesterol disorders, insulin resistance, diabetes, sedentary lifestyle, physical inactivity and excessive screen time in an increasingly pediatric population.”

For his part, the cardiologist from Cordillera Interclínica, Raúl Sued, pointed out in a statement sent to our media that one of the lessons that the pandemic left us is that “people with risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes, obesity or hypercholesterolemia, They had a harder time fighting the coronavirus and developing more complications as the disease progressed.“.

Thus, deaths from myocardial infarction after the pandemic would be more related to factors inherent to the disease and underlying risk pathologies, and not with vaccination against Covid-19.

Dr. Sued defines vaccination as a “tool that has rather been crucial to reduce mortality associated with the virus,” adding that “scientific evidence shows that The benefits of vaccination outweigh the risks, including those associated with heart problems”.

The president of the Prevention Department of the Chilean Society of Cardiology emphasizes the importance of the habits that the population should have; both children and adults (their parents, for example).

“What we have to work on at the family level is the habits of both the individual, who is my patient (children), and the family, which is their environment. These habits are acquired before the child is born. The mother and father have to be healthy, and that means that their body composition is as healthy as possible,” explains Paulo.

The same expert states that both the mother and the father, before becoming pregnant, should do physical exercise, because “there are studies that already show that as long as the father and mother do physical exercise prior to pregnancy, The sperm and the oocyte will generate children who will be cardiovascularly much healthier.with better glucose regulation, lower body adiposity or body weight and greater capacity for physical exercise.”

“As long as parents do not pass judgment or do not teach healthy habits from the pediatric age, that is, from 0 years or from birth to 18 years, we will continue to experience this and acute myocardial infarctions and strokes will become increasingly precocious,” adds Valderrama.

It is worth mentioning that the only vaccine for Covid-19 that was withdrawn from the market due to being linked to certain adverse effects was AstraZeneca. However, this association was later debunked as well.

And an August 2021 analysis of 30 million people vaccinated in the UK showed that the chances of thrombocytopenic events (blood clots) were much higher after a coronavirus infection, compared to any vaccine against the disease.

In this context, the British Heart Foundation described how for every 10 million people vaccinated with AstraZeneca, only 66 cases of blood clots in the veins and seven extra cases of a rare type of blood clot in the brain. By comparison, Covid-19 infection itself is estimated to cause 12,614 additional cases of blood clots in the veins and 20 cases of rare blood clots in the brain..

The AstraZeneca vaccine was accompanied by a poor public image. Added to this, and another possible trigger for its withdrawal from the market, is that other Covid-19 vaccines, such as those from Pfizer and Moderna, are essentially better.

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