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Experts confirm: Corona is not transmitted through food

Health experts say there is no evidence that the coronavirus can be transmitted through food, even after reports this week that the Chinese authorities said that a surface sample from a batch of frozen chicken wings imported from Brazil has proven positive for the Corona virus, these reports do not Cause for concern.

According to the CNN, experts said that the test results of people who may have been in contact with chicken wings came out negative so far, and searches are underway for products of the same brand that have already been sold, in the meantime, one of the experts said that chicken tests may have revealed genetic material. From the dead Coronavirus, which may lead to false positive results.

Experts confirmed that there is no evidence of corona virus transmission through food. Doctors said Dr. Ian Williams, head of the Disease Outbreak Response and Prevention Branch at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, who is investigating food and waterborne diseases, said earlier that there is no evidence. That Covid-19 “It is transmitted through food, “a finding that scientists have confirmed time and time again.

“This is really about the respiratory system, from person to person,” said Williams. “At this point, there is no evidence that really directs us toward food or food service as routes driving the pandemic.”

spread out Covid-19 Largely through respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks when they are within 6 feet of another person, according to the CDC, the best ways to prevent the spread of disease are social distancing, wearing a mask, washing your hands well and covering the cough or Sneezing.

Williams’ point was recently confirmed by the US Food and Drug Administration and the United States Department of Agriculture, who said in a joint statement in June that there was “no evidence” that people contracted the virus from food or food packaging..

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