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Experts Call Thin Body Does Not Mean Cholesterol Free, How come? The all page

KOMPAS.com – Experts remind not to misjudge, weight or weight as a benchmark for someone experiencing cholesterol height, because not all thin people are free of cholesterol imbalances.

“Body fat or thin, can not be used as a benchmark free of cholesterol, because of what is often called high cholesterol is an imbalance between good cholesterol and bad cholesterol, “said Dr. Fridolin Seto Pandu as Manager of Medical Underwriter Sequis.

According to Dr. Fridolin, it is true that being overweight or obese is often considered a disease, but people who are thin actually have the potential to have high cholesterol.

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Cholesterol height is called in medical language with dislipidemia.

What is that Dislipidemia?

Dyslipidemia is a fat metabolism disorder characterized by an increase or decrease in the type of fat in the blood plasma.

Fat type abnormalities the main one is an increase in total levels, LDL cholesterol (Low Density Lipoprotein), Triglycerides, and decreased HDL cholesterol levels (High Density Lipoprotein).

1. LDL cholesterol

LDL is cholesterol that can build up in the blood vessels, thus making the arteries narrow.

This condition can increase the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke.

High LDL levels can be watched for by monitoring the threshold:

– Normal or optimal conditions are <100 mg / DL

– Conditions close to optimal 100 – 129mg / DL

– High limit conditions 130 – 159mg / DL

– High condition 160 – 189mg / DL

– Very high condition> 190 mg / DL

2.Up to cholesterol HDL

To note, HDL is responsible for transporting cholesterol from blood vessels or other tissues back to the liver.

HDL levels to watch out for are when they have crossed the threshold:

– Low conditions, namely <40 mg / DL

– High conditions, namely> 60 mg / DL

Also read: Hypertension and High Cholesterol Patients Lazy to Take Medicines, What are the Effects?

SHUTTERSTOCK Cholesterol illustration-3. Triglycerides

Triglycerides are levels of fat that come from unused calorie burning waste.

Dr. Fridolin explained, when we eat, our bodies receive calories and are used for bodily activities.

Unused calories are converted into triglycerides and stored in fat cells.

Here are the low threshold levels of triglycerides you should know:

– Normal levels are <150 mg / DL

– High limit levels 150-199 mg/DL

– High levels of 200-499 mg/DL

– Very high levels> 500 mg/DL.

Also read: In the Middle of a Pandemic, Checking Cholesterol Levels Still Must Be Done

4. Total cholesterol

Total cholesterol is the total amount of cholesterol or the accumulation of the three types of cholesterol in the body.

Said Dr. Fridolin, the concentration is similar to fat or wax and can be found in all cells in the body in sufficient quantities.

This total cholesterol functions to regenerate cells, hormone production, form vitamin D and in the digestive process.

Meanwhile, the total cholesterol limit is as follows.

– The ideal normal rate is <200 mg/DL

– Cholesterol levels that fall into the moderate category are 200-239 mg/DL

– High category cholesterol levels, namely> 240 mg / DL

Early detection of high cholesterol (dyslipidemia)

Unfortunately, said Dr. Fridolin, this condition often shows no symptoms, especially if a person’s posture looks thin and proportional.

So it is more difficult to detect early if you do not routinely carry out checks.

Therefore, he emphasized that whoever and whatever your weight, if you are over 25 years old, to do it regularly medical check-up.

With medical check-up, we can find out the levels of fat in the body including LDL, HDL, triglycerides and total cholesterol levels.

The level of each of these fats can be determined through blood tests in the laboratory.

Ideally, checked and monitored as well as the condition of the 3 fat levels.

Cholesterol level checks should be done routinely every 5 years.

Also read: Cholesterol increases while at home, here are 4 tips for fixing it

However, if you have the potential for high cholesterol, you should check it every 6 months to once a year.

If not detected early, high cholesterol or metabolic disorders-dyslipidemia will increase the risk of various other diseases.

“If the test results show blood fat levels are above normal, you should immediately consult a doctor in order to get the right treatment. If not treated immediately, there will be a risk of various diseases, especially coronary heart disease and stroke, “said dr. Fridolin.

Risk factors for high cholesterol (dyslipidemia)

Doctor Fridolin also mentioned that there are several groups of people who are at high risk of developing high cholesterol or dyslipidemia.

The first is a man over 45 years old.

Second is a woman over 55 years of age.

Third are those who have a history; hypertension, liver disease, coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity, hypothyroidism (thyroid hormone deficiency), kidney problems, lack of physical activity, and a family history of cholesterol, diabetes, coronary heart disease, and stroke.

Also read: Recognize the Symptoms of Disease due to High Cholesterol, These are the Signs

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